My Sadness

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I do nothing

says just you

oh but you don't

know what I can do

I can pull the trigger

or tie the knot

hope to drown

or just get shot

Because you push me deeper

into the hole

I don't belong there

I am not a mole

You make me feel

bad about me

calling me names

doing it just for glee

Of yourself

you say I'm stupid

I am no wizard

I am no Remus Lupin

You don't realize

How much damage you've done

I'm just a girl

I am not your son

I have feelings

and you laugh at my tears

you seem to almost want

my life to end here

But then I remember

the good times ago

how could this man

be the same though

I don't understand

nor do I care

I won't spend more time

pulling out hair

But just for you

I will say I'm done

you do it I dare

here is a gun

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