Fuck you Diet Culture

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I was 10 when I was first told to lose weight,
When I was taught to be ashamed of my body,
When I discovered I was not beautiful.
I was 10 when diet culture consumed my life
You taught me more unhealthy habits than not.
You taught me to restrict and starve, replacing nourishment with shame.
You taught me failure was not an option.
But how could I not fail?
I was caught in the cycle of abuse of my own body.
Rinse and repeat.
You stole years of my life that I will never get back.
But I wasn't the only one.
You attacked my friends and my family
Stealing their worth along with mine.
But why?
With so many beautiful and unique people in the world,
Why push for one size fits all?
Why not embrace our differences?
Why not love the bodies we were born with?
Because you love power and control.
You love tricking us into abusing and hating ourselves.
But I've broken the cycle.
I am beautiful
I am strong
My body is home.
And you will never take that away from me again.

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