One Number Away/America

Start from the beginning

Well, if you're anything like me
You just might be doing whatever it takes to drown out the noise
But I just wanna hear your voice
And I'm one number away from calling to you
I said I was through, but I'm dying inside


I stared at the phone. The number was typed in and my finger hovered over the call button. I knew I had to call, but I don't know how I could after I said that shit to her. Some hero I am, I can't even save my girl from her doubts. I couldn't save something that I treasured, I was the one who gave up.

I ran my fingers through my blonde hair with an exasperated sigh. I can't do it.....

I sighed turning on the Television watching the news with a blank stare.

"With the sudden cold front and rain crossing the area the roads are expected to ice over following the later hours of this evening..."

The news anchors voice faded put as my mind wondered to

What was she doing right now? Was she still crying? Was she better?

Was she doing what I was doing? Sulking in self loathing and regret? Was she hesitating?

Got my head in a mess, girl, I confess
I lied when I said, "I'm leaving and not coming back"
Might be the whiskey or the midnight rain
But everywhere I go, I see your face
In my brain, dial it up, everything I want to say
But I'm still one number away

For the first time in forever I wanted nothing more than to drink it all away with something strong. Whisky maybe...I wanted to drown it in alcohol and cigarettes.

I wanted to scream her name until she came back. I wanted to cry until there was no tears left, not that there was anymore anyway... I wanted to drive to her house and beg for her forgiveness...I was a stupid wreck, I was out of character...this girl drove me crazy, but I can't live without her.

I wonder if I called would she forgive me...I want to her her voice...I growled tugging at my hair again. It's no use...I need her. I need her here with me...

Are you stuck at a red light with a Marlboro Light on your lips?
Does the smoke in your mirror get clearer without my kiss?
Are you changing the station replacing our favorite song?
Maybe it's a mistake, hit the brakes, I'm moving on


I pulled a hoodie over my t-shirt, well, Alfred's shirt. I grabbed my keys and headed to my car.

I just need to take a drive...calm myself...

I got in the car and the ignition pulling out of the apartment driveway. I drove down the road to a gas station to fill up. I knew it was going to be a long drive. As I played for my gas my eyes scanned the display of cigarettes above the cashier.

"Can I get a pack of Malbro?" I asked. I didn't expect my voice to crack so bad, or sound so forced. The cashier eyed me as he ringed up a pack, "long night?"

I nodded,"longest in a while"

I left the gas station lighting a cigarette and inhaling the sweet nicotine. The smoke rounded over my dry lips as my muscles relaxed. I wasn't one to smoke, only on the occasion that I was too stressed to think. And this was one of those nights.

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