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Yoongi POV

' Im not use to eat at home ' i said.

I can't hear it clearly what's she said but i can see from the back that she slap her forehead . I found it cute action . WAIT STOP IT YOONGI i shrugged it out.

She slowly turn around and face me with her guilty face. I looked at her with my cold glare and i can see i send shiver on her as i smile winningly in mind.

' Are you hungry? ' I asked her as i took 1 step closer to her.

She just nodded as she took step backwards too. We keep repeating the action until her stopped because her back already reach the refrigerator.

" Did you remember what i said to the father about the kiss ' I tease her and my face just a few inch from her.

I can see clearly that she's fucking nervous with me and her eyes got closed.

" She's pretty ' I mumbled .

I can't hold my laugh and bursted out . I distance myself away from her making her open her eyes.

She looked at me with annoyingly.

' Eat this " I handed to her the chicken rice that i buy at the restaurant bfore.

' PERVERT ' she stomping at my feet and took the food away from me . She then left me to the table .

I just ignored her behavior and took a step to upstairs. Before i entered my room i took a glancing to the room beside mine. Our room just beside each other and we will sleeping separately.

Mina POV

' yes mom. I'll be at aunty's home by tmorrow. And i also will bringing Nayeon there. ' i said as i finished my last spoon of dessert in my mouth.

' Nayeon? ' My dad asked.

' Yes. After all Aunty Rin know her too and she also friend with Jungkook ' I reply and both of the nodded at me.

' GOODNIGHT MOM AND DAD " i stand from me seat and walk closer to them. I kiss both of their cheeks and going upstairs to my room.

I just a few minutes resting my body on my bed and  suddenly my phone ringing. I smile as soon as i see the caller name.

' Hey babe ' i answered the call.

' I thought you're sleeping " Jimin said.  " I missss youu ' he add .

' we just met yesterday pervert ' i said playfully . ' Dont forget this weekend ' i remembered him.

' ah? '

' Jungkook weeding pabo yah ' .

" Ah. I almost forgot about it ' he laughed.

I just rolled my eyes even he can't see it.

" Tmorrow I'll be at Jungkook house and I'll take Nayeon too . We will sleepover at there until the weekend. I want to help  aunty Rin with the preparation . She must be busy right. ' i said pitifully.

' It's good then . After all she's single mother and we cant hope so much to Jungkoook ' he chuckled. ' So you want me to fetch you and Nayeon tomorrow and send you to Jungkook house? ' he asked

I rejected he offered . He will taking a day off on weekend so i can't disturb his work schedule more. After all his A Ceo in his father company so he need to show  to his stuff a good example.

' I'll drive myself ' i said. ' It's already 11 Pm. You need to go work early tomorrow. Sleep now ' i ordered him.

' Okay then . I love you baby ' he said as he let out a smooch sound .

" I love you too. Dream of me " as i ended the call.

I looked at the ceiling and thinking.
Should i told Nayeon now or tmorrow? But it's already late . I wont interrupt her I mumbled.

Nayeon POV

I woke up due to knock on my room door. I walked lazyly to the door and showed Yoongi with her annoyed face .

' What do you want " i ask him as i walk in back to my room and went to my bathroom .

I can heard the footsteps of him so it means he followed me.

' Take a shower now. We'll going to grocery  shop .' he said while looked at me brushing my teeth . I can't answered him so i just showed my okay sign and make a sign at him to get out from my room as he sighed.

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