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Jimin POV

After I finished doing my business at the toilet i washed my hand at the sink. The boy who just entered the toilet caught my attention as i took a glancing at him from the miror.

'Did i know him. He's figure look familiar ' i said as i dried my hand with the dryer.

I heard a sound of flush came out from the boy toilet and i decided to wait him out.

He came out and directly go to the sink to wash his hand. He even didn't realised my presence. 'Ehem ' I clear my throat and it's caught his attention.

His eyes widen after met my eyes. ' What are you doing here ? ' he asked.

' What do you think people doing at the toilet ?' i asked him as he rolled his eyes.

' I actually have a date with my girlfriend ' i said shyly. ' Oh shit i need to go back to her.  She must be a hulk already because i left her so long ' I laughed playfully.

He just laughed and nodded with my statement.

' You should meet my girlfriend then. Come with me ? ' I said as i pull Jin's hand to follow me but he refuse .

' Sorry bro. Im with my cousin. If your girl a hulk then she's being Thanos already if i left her too long ' Jin said as he laugh uncontrollably. ' Next time okay? ' he add .

' Your cousin is a girl? ' I smirk at him.

' Stop it you pervert. She's my cousin and nothing more ' he said as he rolled his eyes .

After bid a goodbye I left him at the toilet and immediately go to the restaurant.

I looked around the restaurant and spotted Mina back view but she's with a girl  ? As i walked closer to them i just realised it was Nayeon because her front side faced me. She smiling at me showed her bunny teeth when she's realised my presence.


' Im at Royal Restaurant ' Nayeon said as my eyes roaming to look for the restaurant. I ended the call after i spotted the restaurant and quickly go there.

I entered the restaurant and spotted Nayeon at the corner with two other people. I can't  see their faces because only their back view faces me . I walked toward the table and greet them.

'Hi ? ' I said and my eyes widen when i realised it was Jimin and must be his girlfriend.

I can see Jimin also shocked to see me again while Nayeon and Jimin's girlfriend looked at us confusedly.

' So Nayeon is your cousin? ' Jimin asked as i took a seat beside Nayeon and also infront Jimin.

' Yes and she is?' I nodded and asked Jimin while pointing at the girl beside him .

' Im Mina. This pervert girlfriend ' she said playfully and offered handshake but Jimin are the one who receives it .

'So mind to explain? ' Nayeon asked.

' We are best buddy ' Jimin reply simply.

Nayeon just rolled her eyes while take a sip of the latte.

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