Chapter 7 The end of the van der linde gang.

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This chapter takes place 3 weeks after dutchs death since then y/n has become the leader of the van der linde gang. Right now y/n is working on a plain to rob beacon and steel the relic that ozpin is hiding in his school. Right now y/n is about to enact his plain let our story begin. 

Y/ns pov

I was sitting in my tent drawing up the plains for the attack on beacon when all of the sudden i felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. I slowly look up to see blake standing there looking at me.

Y/n: Todays the day we get payback for dutch. 

Blake: Should i get the others ready?

Y/n: Yes tell them to get there guns and meet me in front of the camp.

Blake nods and quickly runs out of my tent to go gather the others. I smile as i stand up and grab dutchs revolver and look at it. I quickly put it back into its holster as i also put johns revolver into its holster. After that i grab my shotgun and put it on my back. Finally i go to walk out the door only to see a small box sitting in the corner of my tent. I quickly walk over to it and see that it was an old gift from dutch.

Y/n: the hell is this?

I open the box to see a pair of black boots and dutchs old jacket. I smile as i put the black boots on along with the black jacket. I also grab Arthur hat and put it on my head. Finally i walk out of my tent to see the rest of the gang saddled up and ready to ride with me. So i get on my horse and we ride off twords beacon. Once we get into vale we stop riding and i start to give a speech.

Y/n: This is it our final score once we get this relic we will split the money up and we will go our own ways. Tonight marks the end of the van der linde gang and we will go down in history as the best gang to ever roam the world. This will be the last time we will ride together. Now whos with me?!

van der linde gang: We are!

Y/n: Then lets ride!

We all start riding twords beacon with our guns drawn. Once we are close enough to the main gate i draw a stick of tnt and throw it at the gate blowing it open. The hunters on the campus turn to see us riding in threw the front gate.

Hunter 1: We are und-

I cut the kid off by shooting him threw the head with one of my revolvers. After that i get off of my horse and start shooting at the students. Arthur gets off of his horse too only for a girl with spartan armor to tackle him to the ground. 

spartan girl: Your under arrest.

Arthur: Get your hands off me you bitch!

Arthur fires 2 shots into the red haired girls side making her get off of him. Taking this chance arthur goes to shoot her with one of his revolvers but one of the girls teammates trys to hit arthur with her war hammer.

Arthur: You basterd!

Hyper hammer girl: What are you cosplaying as a cowboy or something?!

I turn to john and motion for him to help arthur and he does. John quickly shoots the girl in the back with his rifle sending her stumbling back. Arthur then fires 4 shots into the red haired spartan sending her stumbling back.

Y/n: Arthur john are you 2 ok?!

John: Yeah son go on ahead we got this!

I nod and ride ahead with blake and the rest of the gang. But as we are approaching the front gate of beacon a girl with sunglasses and a gatling gun walks out from behind a piller along with a bunny fanus.

Y/n: Fuck i cant get in there with those 2 covering the door.

Hosea: I got this!

Hosea starts to open fire on the girls with his shotgun.

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