Prologue the van der linde gang vs team rwby

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A/n: forgot to mention this but y/n is 17 right now and this story takes place durring season 3 of rwby around the time right before the qrow vs winter fight let our story begin.

Y/ns pov

It was a normal day for me i was walking back to the van der linde camp with a dead deer when i heard the sound of a crow cawing. 

Y/n: The fuck...

I slowly draw one of my revolvers and aim it at one of the trees only to see that its just a harmless crow sitting there watching me. 

Y/n: Its just a crow quit being so paranoid y/n.

I pick the deer back up and keep walking back to camp only to be greeted by my father john marston and my uncle Arthur Morgan. 

John: Hey boy did you get us some food?

Y/n: Yeah pa I got it right here.

Arthur: Wow thats a big deer y/n.

Y/n: Thanks Arthur.

Arthur smiles and pats me on the back and john quickly helps me carry the deer into camp. When we get into camp we are greeted by dutch.

Dutch: ah i see you boys got us dinner.

John: Nope it was all y/n he was the one who killed the deer.

Dutch: thats amazing good job y/n.

I give dutch a smile as i start to head over to my tent and polish my machete. After around an hour i hear john call my name. So i grab my now polished revolvers and my machete and run out to find my father.

Y/n: What is it pa?

John: Dutch told me that he wanted the both of us to go into town to buy some dynamite.

Y/n: Got it so when do we leave?

John: Right now.

He smirks and motions for me to follow him to our horses. Once we get there we both get on our horses and ride into town. Once we get into town we see 4 girls and a man with black hair holding my wanted poster. My eyes widen as i realizes who that man is. Its my blood father qrow branwen i quickly stop my horse and turn to john.

Y/n: see that man with the giant sword on his back?

John: Yeah i see him.

Y/n: Thats my real father...qrow branwen.

Johns eyes widen as his face turns from one of pure shock to a look of pure hatred. 

John: You mean to tell me that the guy we are looking at is the guy who neglected you as a boy and made you run away?!

Y/n: Yeah thats him...

John goes silent before he turns to me.

John: Hey easy boy i wont let him hurt you. So heres the plain we are gonna get off of our horses and walk past them if they notice us we will blast them to hell. But if they dont then we will just buy the dynamite and get back to camp.

I nod as we both get off of our horses. We slowly walk past the group but just as i got past them qrow noticed us and turned around.

Qrow: Hey you 2 have you seen a y/n marston anywhere?

I slowly turn around and give qrow a glare. Qrows eyes widen as he sees his son standing there right before him.

Y/n: Yeah i'm y/n marston what do you need?

Qrow: Y/n....its been so many years...its me your father qrow branwen.

John turns around looking pissed.

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