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"You know, if you keep staring at my chest like that, people might start talking." I titled my head to meet the fox's gaze.

He laughed. "Sorry. It just still surprises me, that's all. You really had me worried there for a while."

I touched my fingers to my chest where the arrow had pierced it, a few inches from death. "Just one more scar now."

Kiyoshi smirked. "A survivor's soul with the luck to match, I think."

It had healed well in the past three months, although it was pretty intense there for a while, even with the aid of magic. It was just one more near death experience to add to my ever growing list. I was still sure that my fate awaited me in some future battlefield one day when my luck finally did fail me, but for now, I'd keep my six year winning streak.

"Yeah, I think I've heard that before. You ready?"

We exited the house that had been in Kiyoshi's family for generations, which is saying something for a white fox, and made our way down the stone path that would eventually take us to the city center. Our final destination was the large front gate that surrounded the city. Hitomi and Mei were leaving the White Wood today, journeying to the closest magical gate, where they would be transported back to the human world. They, along with some of the other humans Kiyoshi had saved over the years were probably the first ones ever to make the trip back. It was usually a one way ticket to lifelong bondage.

As we walked, I took in the greenery of the woods, the fresh morning air, and the quiet sounds the wind and animals made. Even though Kiyoshi had tried to describe it to me, the White Wood still wasn't exactly what I was expecting. The capital of the White Wood had a large population, and the city center was a bustling hub of activity, but most of the residents lived in small clusters or single houses that were spaced out liberally among the woods, nestled privately among the trees. In this way, it somehow maintained a growing population while still feeling a lot like a small mountain town. This was probably one of the reasons Kiyoshi's Utopia had gone virtually unnoticed, at least until now.

Soon after the documents were finalized and Kiyoshi officially owned the slave trade rooted in Paradise Bay, he sent a message to the lord of that disgusting city giving him a simple two options: bow down and submit to the new laws Kiyoshi would lay out, or be slain. The proud, underestimating man obviously chose the second option, and I was so very glad he did. It was a blood bath. I'd never been on a team that large or tried to conquer something as big as a city.

I'd always though Kiyoshi's illusion magic was impressive, but it took that battle for me to gauge the gap between him and a fox with more tails. One's with four or five could make friend turn on friend with a simple snap of the fingers. Those with six or seven could make enemies see things that weren't there for long periods of time without the need of touch at all. There weren't many white foxes left with eight or nine tails in the White Wood, but the two that went out with us into battle were magnificent. Too fast for eyes to follow, they swept their illusions over enemies in a flash, transporting them to false realities or digging out the deepest fears of their foes, causing them to go mad in mere minutes. It was then that I realized that Kiyoshi's dream might indeed be possible, that the foxes could own this world if they wanted to.

My favorite part of the battle by far was when Kiyoshi and I made it up to Arinaga's mansion on the hill. After dealing with his sad excuse for security, Kiyoshi drug that pitiful man to the basement and released the last of the slaves Arinaga once owned. It took them a moment to realize the situation, but after they did, they swarmed on him, engulfing him completely. They had no weapons, only rage. There were so many of them I couldn't see Arinaga at all, only hear the screams as they tore him to pieces. After they were finally satisfied, the disfigured, bloody mess they left didn't resemble Arinaga at all. It was gorgeous.

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