Chapter 9- Coins to a Cat

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I set off with Kiyoshi and Mitsuo. In no time at all, it felt like we were the only ones traveling together. I couldn't hear or see Hidetaka, or the rest of the group for that matter, though I expect Kiyoshi's perspective was a little different. Maybe they were going to be traveling a little bit further away than I thought.

After we had been walking for a several minutes, Kiyoshi spoke up. "I did mean what I said about you being useful with your weapons, but you don't have to worry about it much yet. These woods are pretty peaceful."

I snorted. "Too bad for me."

He laughed. "Come on now. Umeko said to take it easy."

I grumbled to myself and went back to enjoying the scenery while the brothers chattered intermittently.

The woods continued even as we made our way down and off the mountain. Dense as the growth of bushes, grasses, and ferns were amongst the trees, the wide path we were traveling on was totally clear. Despite this, the pace we were going was a painfully slow one. A group of slaves not used to travel cannot be expected to keep up a decent pace all day, especially not a group with children. Even so, the slow steps made my legs itch to go faster.

We stopped a couple of times during the day for short breaks and once for an extended period around mid-day for lunch. These breaks only fueled my boredom.

Even though we stopped, the other part of the group never caught up. Apparently, they had some sort of system set up with the whistles. Short ones were used to call for breaks. Only long ones were used to call for help. The only time we would all reunite again is when Kiyoshi had decided we'd gone far enough for the day and allowed the rest of the group to catch up for the night.

In the late afternoon, we came to a break in the trees that revealed a large lily pond. The path we'd been on continued over the pond by way of a floating wooden bridge that ran in a zig-zag like pattern over the water.

Koi fish of different patterns and colors scattered from beneath the bridge as we crossed, hiding beneath the lily pads that sprouted pink flowers. As we neared the halfway point of the bridge, a large ripple towards the middle of the pond caught my eye. Kiyoshi and Mitsuo stopped, their attention also on the ripple. My fingertips grazed the top of my chakrams.

The ripple was soon joined by others and they started to move closer.

"Toshiko," Kiyoshi called. "Don't cause trouble. It's only us."

Most of the movement in the water stopped, but one ripple continued to move towards the bridge. I relaxed a bit when Kiyoshi kneeled down to meet it. He didn't seem tense in the least, and since he had addressed whatever the hell it was by name, there didn't seem to be much cause for alarm.

The head of a woman with flowing black hair emerged from the water and greeted Kiyoshi with a smile full of what appeared to be more like the baleen of a whale rather than ordinary teeth.

"Kiyoshi," she cooed. "Is it that time of year already?"

He nodded. "It is. I've brought you an extra big bag this time."

I barely had time to dodge as wet fingertips swiped at the back of my ankle. My body twisted itself as I jumped back to face my attacker. This muscle memory response sent a sharp pain through my gut. It made me wince, but I managed to hold my weapons steady.

Another woman with dark hair surfaced just enough for her eyes to be above water level and stared at me.

Toshiko let out a loud and terrible screech. My attacker's eyes went wide and she disappeared below the water.

"Sorry about her," Toshiko said and turned her eyes towards me. "Though, I can see why she made a grab for you."

She started towards me and her head dipped back under water. A long white tail, decorated with patches of black and orange, trailed after her as she swam. She surfaced again and pulled herself up onto the bridge next to me.

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