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The consistent beeping was the first thing he became aware of. It was to his left, following the best of his heart.

Slowly, Jacob felt his senses return to him. He could smell cleaning solution, he can hear the beeping and other noises, and he could feel that he was laying on something soft. His fingers and toes move along with his neck.

"Jacob, are you awake?"

Hearing his aunt's voice encouraged Jacob to open his eyes. At first, he was worried that he would wake up to members of Gabriel's gang. Even unconscious, he had the fear of being taken. But the sound of Patricia's voice relaxed him.

Jacob opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of Patricia hovering over him with tears in her eyes. Her lips quivered as she smiled in relief. "Oh thank god!" she said happily.

"Hi, Patricia." Jacob said in a hoarse voice. His mouth was dry from not having water. Jacob didn't know how long he has been unconscious. It could've been a day, three days, or three weeks.

"Here," Patricia said as she handed a plastic cup of water. "Drink this."

Water never tasted so good as it ran down his throat. Jacob actually let out a groan as he finished the cup. Some of the water dribbled down his chin.

"How long was I out?" Jacob asked with a clear voice.

"A few days. I arrived two days after you were admitted." Patricia said. "You told me to use a burner phone but I kept my phone on just in case. Bucky called me and told me what happened." she explained. A fresh stream of tears ran down her face. "I broke so many laws to get here. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get arrested for speeding and reckless driving."

A soft sounding chuckle escaped Jacob's lips. "At least you're alright." he said.

"Ah, good! You're awake!"

Jacob jumped up into a sitting position when he heard a new voice. His chest stung at the sudden movements but he didn't feel anything tear. "Who are you?" Jacob demanded as he glared at the man who entered the room.

An older man dressed in a doctor's coat became worried. "Please, don't be alarmed! I'm Doctor Claude. I was the one who operated on you." he introduced himself quickly. "Now please lay back down. We can't have you reopening your stitches." he pleaded.

"Doctor Claude, how is Jacob doing? How long is he supposed to stay here?" Patricia asked. She rests her hand on Jacob's shoulder, giving him a soft squeeze. Jacob kept his eyes on the doctor, watching closely.

Doctor Claude takes out a scanned copy from an x-ray machine. He holds it up to give Patricia and Jacob a good look. It displayed Jacobs's rib cage and spine. "The bullet that struck Jacob had narrowly missed his heart but shattered the rib that rested above the organ. The bone slowed down the projectile enough so that it didn't hit any arteries around the heart." Doctor Claude explained, gesturing toward an irregular mark on one of the ribs. "If fired any lower, the bullet would've hit its mark and killed you."

Underneath the gauze, Jacob could feel the itchiness of the bullet wound. He's never been shot but has been shot at. Stabbings were more familiar to him. Jacob would rather be stabbed again than have to go through this.

"I'll leave you guys alone. I'll come back later." Doctor Claude said. And as quick as he entered, he left.

"I seem to always have close calls." Jacob said finally after a moment of silence. "This won't be the last time though."

"Actually, it is." Patricia spoke up. "It's over." she said with a big smile. "What do you mean? Gabriel got away, didn't he?" Jacob asked confused.

Until We Bleed (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now