Slashing and Fixing

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His head slammed against the wall when Gabriel tackled him. Stars danced across his vision but Jacob kept fighting. He delivered a kick to Gabriel's solar plexus and knocked the man back. When his vision cleared, he saw the annoyance on Gabriel's face.

"Have you forgotten who taught you how to fight?" Gabriel snarled as he stands in a fighter's stance. "I've been taught by others." Jacob growled.

Jacob dodged Gabriel's punches with just moments to spare. His eyes were locked on the small blade that was attached to the small ring on Gabriel's finger. The blade was long enough to nick an artery or impale the skull but not the heart. He had to be careful.

He learned to avoid punches and kicks. Easily, he evaded Gabriel's attacks.

Ducking down, Jacob pushes off the ground and tackles Gabriel. The man tripped over the coffee table and falls back on the couch with Jacob on top. Jacob doesn't give Gabriel a moment to recover as he started to slash at the man's face with his fingers. He didn't want to punch Gabriel, Jacob wanted to tear the man's face into ribbons. (He didn't sharpen his nails for nothing.)

Gabriel screamed in pain as he grabbed Jacob's arms. Blood ran down Gabriel's face from the scratches that Jacob left. He forces Jacob off of him with a shove. Jacob falls on the coffee table with a slam, causing the wooden furniture to break a part by the weight. 'Shit!' Jacob thought with a groan.

As he was collecting himself, Jacob was straddled by Gabriel. He watched in a daze as Gabriel raised his fist that was armed with the blade ring. Jacob's eyes widened as he watched the fist swing toward him in slow motion. Jerking his head to the side, the blade just slashed his cheek and sank into the wood.

Feeling the hot liquid run down his cheek sent a jolt to his heart. Jacob stared wide eyed at Gabriel in horror. "Who are you? Wolverine?" Jacob asked sarcastically. Then he kicks Gabriel and is able to throw the man off of him.

'I need to get him to the kitchen. Add some burns to his scars!' Jacob thought as he jumps over the couch and hurried out of the living room.

"You can't run from me, Jacob!" Gabriel taunted with a laugh.

"Bite me!" Jacob yelled, not in the least bit scared.

Quickly, Jacob runs into the kitchen. He snatches the pot of boiling water and waits. 'Here's for all the torture you put me through.'

When Gabriel appeared at the entryway, Jacob flings the water at him. Gabriel saw the water coming at him but wasn't able to protect himself. The water splashes on his raised hands and face. The pain registered on his face as his skin started to blister and bubble.

"AHHHHHH!" Gabriel screamed.

"And you thought biting your damn face hurt like a bitch!" Jacob yelled. He sneered as blood and melted skin ran down Gabriel's face. 'No more handsome face.' he thought.

Gabriel stood there, heaving in breaths of air. The man's entire body shook. Jacob didn't know what was going through Gabriel's mind as he watched. 'Will he pass out or . . . ' His thoughts were interrupted as Gabriel picks up his head and snarls viciously at Jacob.

The lower left half of the man's face was melted. Most of the water splashed on his hands. He looked like Freddy Krueger but didn't have his whole face melted. In other words, he's more pissed off than ever.

"I was hoping that your whole face would melt. Too bad." Jacob sneered as he readies the pot like a baseball bat.

"Bite me, you bastard!" Gabriel roared before he runs at Jacob.

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