Hidden Truths

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He just finished cleaning up when Bucky roused from slumber. Jacob took a few steps back from the bed and waits for Bucky to open his eyes. His stomach was already twisted in knots as he prepares for the storm that was about to come.

'It's better this way.' Jacob thought.

After several hours of sweaty love-making, the two practically passed out from exhaustion. Their limbs were sore and everything felt heavy. Neither of them would be able to walk for a while. Except for Jacob as he's done more exercise and rigorous work.

Bucky does a full-body stretch and moans tiredly. The unmistakable pops of joints echoed through the silent room. He arches his back and his spine pops pleasantly.

Blinking a few times, Bucky tried to wipe the sleep out of his eyes. But the handcuffs stopped him.

The tiredness disappeared and Bucky was wide awake. "What the hell?" he said as he pulls at his arms. The cuffs dug into his wrists the harder he pulled.

"I'm sorry, Bucky." Jacob said sincerely.

Bucky takes in the situation he was in. His wrists were handcuffed to the bedposts. For some reason, he felt drowsy that wasn't from being asleep. There was a soreness in his neck that also had a stabbing sensation to it.

Right where Jacob jabbed Bucky with a needle.

"Jacob, what is the meaning of this?" Bucky demanded as he fought against his restraints. His wrists slowly turned red from irritation.

"Don't worry, I'll untie you after the fight. That is, if I survive." Jacob said with a slight twitch in his neck. He sets the bottle of benzodiazepine down on the dresser. "I hope you won't be too mad when I come back." he said calmly.

"Jacob, get me out of this! You can't do this alone!" Bucky said as he sits up straight. That was when he noticed the change in scenery. They weren't in Jacob's bedroom anymore. "Is this my bedroom?" Bucky asked in surprise.

"You'll be safer here." Jacob stated. "Once you were asleep, I injected you with this medicine to keep you from waking up. You'll feel drowsy for a little bit." he said. "You dragged me to my house?! I live a mile away from here!" Bucky exclaimed. "I may have used Spartacus to take us." Jacob said with a cheeky smile.

The look Bucky gave Jacob made the younger man's stomach drop down to his feet. He fought to ignore Bucky as he packs up the syringes and bottles of medicine. "Just be glad I didn't use a paralyzing agent." Jacob said.

"Where the hell did you get those stuff?" Bucky asked. "It's what I used to escape from my prison." Jacob explained. "Injected my 'guards' with the drug they use to keep their unwilling fighters in line.' he said, using air quotes.

"I thought you escaped through the chaos with the cops raiding the place?" Bucky asked. "I did. But I needed to knock out my guards because they were trying to get me out of there." Jacob said. He grew a rather sinister smile on his face. "I'm just glad I got away from Gabriel." he said.

Jacob shakes away the awful thoughts from his mind before they took control. Years of mental training helped him survive through the horrors of underground fighting. It didn't mean he doesn't crack from the pressure from time to time.

"Jacob," Bucky said, catching Jacob's attention. "Tell me the truth. You aren't telling me everything."

Those big eyes drew Jacob in. He wanted to leave Bucky where he was so that he could face Gabriel. No doubt the man was here by now. But Jacob walks toward Bucky so that he was standing next to him. He kept his distance because Jacob didn't tie down Bucky's legs.

"You know how soldiers . . . when they come back from war they aren't the same?" Jacob asked. Bucky nodded quietly, urging Jacob to continue. "After I killed my best friend, I wasn't the same. I was anxious and jittery. I couldn't sleep, I barely ate." Jacob continued, his voice beginning to quiver. All these years, he hasn't told a soul about his fears and horrors about fighting.

Now he's admitting everything to the one man who has seen through Jacob's walls. The man Jacob handcuffed to the bed to keep him from helping Jacob fight his battles.

"When I started fighting again, that horrible feeling disappeared. It got duller and duller until it was gone.

"That little voice in my mind that tells me to stop started saying 'kill or be killed'. I didn't care if the other person lived as long as I did."

Jacob didn't realize tears were running down his face as he kept talking. "I followed orders like a good little soldier and kept doing it until I woke up in a bed with a man. That was when I felt the guilt, the horror, everything that was bottled up in a wave."

Finally, Jacob finished. Tears stained his cheeks. His bottom lip quivered like a toddler about to have a tantrum. Digging his nails into his palms, blood started to seep from under his skin and stain his nails.

"Jacob . . . " Bucky said slowly. His voice broke the trance Jacob was in.

"I need to end this today. Gabriel has to die." Jacob said with determination. "He has to pay for what he did to me." he growled.

"I know he took away that innocence that a teenager should have – "

Bucky was interrupted by Jacob's angry roar. "Innocence?! He took my virginity. He drugged me and took me without my consent! And then he had the audacity to . . . to . . ."

The shaking in Jacob's bones wasn't from the anger. It was from the fear that was held only for Gabriel. That devil with beautiful eyes.

"What did he do, Jacob?" Bucky asked carefully, sensing that Jacob was very close to the edge.

Jacob turns to face Bucky directly. His body shook in rage.

"Gabriel owns half of my father's company. He is the silent partner and keeps everything in check. He watches me. And my father has never even met him. Until now."

Surprise grew on Bucky's face at this new piece of news. "He can watch your every move." Bucky said in horror. "That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to get away." Jacob admitted. "To plan." he added.

"Plan? Plan for what?" Bucky asked.

"To kill Gabriel."

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