New Home

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"Sir? Sir, it's time to wake up!"

Jacob Danvers was woken up from his sleep by someone shaking his shoulder. He jolted upwards in his seat in surprise. His heart skipped a beat a little. 'Crap, I fell asleep.' he thought.

After gathering his thoughts, he looks up and noticed the stewardess. A beautiful older woman in a blue uniform. "I'm so sorry for disturbing you, but the plane has landed and it's time to depart." she said sweetly.

Jacob saw how she eyed his figure. He has had women stare at him for years but they never phase him. Admittedly, he had a fit body from an active lifestyle. It wasn't hard to wonder why women watch him like he was candy.

"Thank you for being gentle." Jacob said jokingly.

Unbuckling his belt, he climbs out of his passenger seat. Standing at his full height, he was a few inches taller than the stewardess that wore heels. With the narrow walkway, their chests nearly touched. "Excuse me." Jacob said as he turns to collect his bag from the compartment above their heads.

Collecting his backpack, Jacob wishes the stewardess a 'good-day' before leaving. A look of disappointment was on the woman's face when he said so.

The airport was bustling with travelers. Kids screamed among the chatter of voices. The intercom went off and on almost every minute. To Jacob, it was nothing but background noise.

Jacob turns on his phone and multiple messages pop up on the screen. Most of them were from his old friends and few from his family. Only one of them mattered. He unlocks his phone and answers the text.

I just landed. I'm heading to the luggage carousel

Just seconds after sending the message, he got an answer.

I'm in the parking lot. Come out when you get your things. Warning: Mason is with me. :)

A smile grew on Jacob's face when he read it. 'I haven't seen that old man in years.' he thought fondly.

His bags consisted off a duffle bag and a suitcase. The rest of his things were going to be sent via delivery service. But Jacob won't be surprised if some of his stuff might be missing. 'My brother has always been a hog.'

Collecting his luggage, Jacob heads to the exit. He could already feel the heat as he got closer to the outside. It's been years since he has been to the country side, and now he's staying there indefinitely. 'New life, I guess.' Jacob thought as he steps through the airports automatic doors.

The heat hit him like a crashing wave. Sweat was already forming under his arms and forehead. Jacob slips on his sunglasses and began searching for his ride. "Big pickup truck. Big pickup truck." he repeated as he looked at the stationary cars.

A loud horn with the added barking signaled him that his ride found him first. His eyes landed on a rusty pickup truck that had a giant dog leaning out of the passenger window. 'I can see Mason's slobber from here.' Jacob thought in amusement as he jogs to the truck.

"Move over, Mason. I call shotgun!" Jacob said playfully to the giant Bernese mountain dog. After putting his bags in the back of the truck, he gets into the passenger seat. He had to shove Mason back so that the giant dog was sitting in the small backseat behind the driver's seat. Slobber coated his skin like the slime of a slug.

The driver, an older woman with sun-kissed skin, laughed at Jacob as he wiped his hands on his jeans. "He's used to being in the front." she said as she scratches Mason's chin. "It's nice to see you again, Jacob. You have really grown." she said happily. Jacob smiled back at the woman as he kisses her cheek. "It's nice to see you too, Aunt Patricia." he said.

"Let's get going! We have a thirty minute drive ahead of us." Patricia said as she shifts her truck into drive. "You were stuck in a car with Mason here for over thirty minutes? How did you not die by his noxious fumes?" Jacob asked jokingly. As if understanding him, Mason let out a loud bark next to Jacob's ear.

Turning to face the dog, Jacob was about to retort to the animal but ends up being licked all over his face. Both slobber and fur got stuck to his face. He could've used the fur to make a beard.

Patricia laughed when she saw the look on Jacob's face. The young man stared at Mason for a minute before turning to face the road. "I can never keep a straight face with this dog." Jacob said as a smile broke out on his face. He wipes his face and spit out the fur from his mouth.

"No one can." Patricia said. "Now, can we please talk about . . . it?" she asked suddenly and uncomfortably.

The smile was wiped from Jacob's face. He doesn't look at his aunt but keeps his eyes on the road. "Sure." he said emotionlessly.

"I know that my sister and your father kicked you out of the house for your sexuality, but I'm going to tell you now that I don't care about that. I'm going to take care of you as if you were my own." Patricia said. "No child deserves to be cast out of their home for being gay."

Jacob winced at the word. He was slapped ruthlessly by his father every time his father said the word 'gay'. It made him afraid when the word was spoken. As if his father would magically appear and slap him.

"Thank you, Patricia."

"I can't believe David hit you." Patricia growled under her breath. Jacob whips his head toward Patricia in horror. "Mason licked the makeup off." she said as she points at Jacob's cheek.

He lightly touches his cheek with just his fingertips. It was still tender from the assault. "If anyone asks, I got hit by a ball or something." Jacob said, begging. "I don't want anyone to know."

The look on Patricia's face showed how adamant she was about it. "I should call the police for what he did." she growled protectively. "My sister should've done something."

Jacob knew how the relationship between his mother and her sister fell a part after his mother married his father. His mother, Violet, had left the life she had so that she could be with David. Violet barely talked to her parents or siblings. Even on the holidays, she doesn't send them cards. Jacob was just glad that he met Patricia on his birthday when he was a kid.

"I don't care about them anymore. If any of them cared, they would've tried to stop David from kicking me out." Jacob growled. 'I hate my family. I'm the only one who isn't the most spoiled.'

"Let's not talk about them. You have a whole year until you go off to college. Enough time to make friends and graduate with pride." Patricia said happily. "I enrolled you in Markswood High School and I promise that you'll love it. The school is nice and small." she described. "You may be the new kid in town but there is no reason to worry." she assured.

'I hope not.' Jacob thought as he listens to his aunt talk. 'My father is a big shot in Atlanta with his company but I should be safe here.' His eyebrows furrowed as he thought of something else.

'But am I safe from them?'

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