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No words were said as Bucky watched over Jacob. The consistent beeping of the heart monitor was the only thing that was keeping Bucky calm. He sat in an uncomfortable plastic chair, his head resting on his fists. His eyes never left Jacob's pale face.

The younger male was in a medically induced coma. His chest was wrapped up in bandages, concealing the gunshot wound that was treated an hour earlier. There were stitches all over his arms and face from other wounds. The doctors said that Jacob was lucky to even stay awake for as long as he did.

The entire day went by as a blur. Bucky had to force himself to remember what had happened that led up to this moment:

Thunder and lightning cracked across the sky. Rain was pouring violently. Jacob's blood was soaking into the ground. He was gasping for air as he clutches Bucky like a lifeline. This would be described as a scene in a sad movie. Only, this was real life.

Bucky cradled Jacob in his arms. He pressed his hands against the bullet wound. It has been so long since he's seen this much blood. Life as a sheriff in a small town isn't exciting. That was until his accident. Now he's witnessing the life leaving Jacob's body.

"Hold on, Jacob. Help is coming." Bucky promised as he tried not to cry. "You're gonna see your aunt and live a normal life like you wanted." Bucky said, his voice cracking.

Jacob was unresponsive. Not even a groan. His skin was whitening with each passing moment.

Ambulances and policemen drove full speed onto the property. The EMTs were faster than the sheriffs as they hurried to aid for the injured. Bucky watched numbly as they checked Jacob's vitals and his wound. They whisked Jacob away but Bucky wasn't able to follow. The sheriffs needed answers.

The second pair of EMTs were looking over Bucky's injuries. The female EMT cleaned the blood from Bucky's face and arms. There weren't any serious injuries besides Bucky's wrists.

"Bucky," spoke Sheriff Dudley, an older round man dressed in the brown Sheriff uniform. The man was Bucky's partner when he was on the force. Dudley showed Bucky the ropes and helped him when Bucky got injured. "I wish we didn't meet under such a gruesome situation." he said as he looks at the dead bodies.

"I agree." Bucky said numbly. The one who was caught in the bear trap was still alive when he arrived. The man begged Bucky to help. But Bucky could care less.

"How did you know to come?" Bucky asked curiously. He winces when the EMT flashes a flashlight into his eyes. The other started to check his blood pressure.

"You know Daniel Swanson? He lives on the farm next to Patricia's." said Sheriff Dudley. "He called the department, said he heard screaming and gunshots."

Bucky doesn't say anything else. Watching the other ambulance drive away with Jacob inside was heart-wrenching. He glances at the bodies that were turning blue.

"What happened here?" Dudley asked.

"Nothing good." Bucky said.

Rubbing his wrists, Bucky winced at the soreness from the cuffs. The bleeding had stopped but his wrists were stiff from the dried blood. "I'm just glad that it's all over." Bucky said.

"We better get you looked at. It looks like you've been put through the ringer." Dudley said worriedly, noticing Bucky's injuries. "You don't know the half of it." Bucky said as he follows the two EMTs into the ambulance and heads to the hospital.

Bucky stares at his freshly bandaged wrists. The lacerations didn't need stitches according to the doctors. As long as he keeps putting ointment and redressing the wounds, his injuries won't he infected.

Until We Bleed (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now