Prepare to Fight

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His hands were a blur.

He didn't feel his knuckles strike the punching bag but the burn of his muscles with each punch. Bullets of sweat dripped down his skin and stained the floor. Every fifth punch he made, he took a big gasp of air to keep going.

When he noticed red beginning to stain the leather of the dangling bag, he stopped. Jacob glances down at his fists and watched as blood dripped down the skin that had split open. Fighting barehanded was one of the rules of underground fighting–at least for Gabriel's ring. Anything goes.

He was unfazed by the blood and simply wraps gauze around his knuckles. The stinging was a rather numb throbbing sensation with each wrap. 'I'm gonna need some pills for the pain.' Jacob thought.

Jacob has spent the weekend preparing for Gabriel's arrival. Practicing the moves he copied from every fighter he managed to beat through the years. His body moved fluidly and without resistance. It felt like he was in the ring again.

Dumping a bucket of water over his body, he shook his head around like a wet dog. His overheated body began to cool down as he prepared for another round.

"If you keep doing that you'll pass out from exhaustion."

Jacob doesn't turn to face Bucky. He just started a set of snap kicks that sent the punching bag flying backward. "I haven't been practicing for weeks. I'm rusty." Jacob said in a rush.

About to deliver another kick, Jacob was caught off guard when thick arms wrap around his waist and he was pulled away from the punching bag. "Hey!" Jacob yelled as he tried to break away from Bucky's grasp. Surprisingly, the cowboy had a lot of strength.

"Let me go!" Jacob demanded.

"No way." Bucky refused. He drags the sweaty teenager out of the barn and tosses Jacob to the ground. "Bastard!" Jacob barked angrily. Dirt stuck to his sweaty body but he could care less. Jacob climbs back onto his feet and glared at Bucky.

Only to have his face grow hot at the sight of a shirtless Bucky.

"Why are you not wearing a shirt?" Jacob asked, struggling to not stumble on his words. Apparently, underneath his shirts, Bucky was sporting a six pack that looked better than his own. 'I fight for a living and not even my body looks like that.' Jacob thought jealously.

A smirk grew on Bucky's face as he noticed how Jacob was eyeing him. "It's a hot day. I was installing a security system around the farm for this Gabriel guy's arrival. When he comes, we'll know." he said confidently.

"I wouldn't be so cocky," Jacob said. He tries to wipe away the dirt but only smears it. "It doesn't matter if we know he's coming. He has connections wherever he goes. I'm not surprised if he bribed the officers of this town already." It wouldn't be a surprise if that happened. Lots of officers in Atlanta were on Gabriel's payroll. It was why Jacob had a better chance at confessing to 9-1-1 than to an actual officer at a precinct.

"Well I was an officer once. These people aren't corrupted." Bucky said in defense.

"You were a cop?" Jacob asked in surprise. It would make sense now that he thought about it. Bucky was fit for action.

"I had an early retirement after five years because of an injury that affected my work on the field. I didn't want to be stuck at a desk job so I decided to take the disability insurance to get me by." Bucky said, tapping at his knee. "The farm I live on was my father's and I didn't want to go anywhere else so I stayed here."

"Well at least you have a peaceful life." Jacob said in spite. "Thank you for telling me about your sad life while I'm living in hell!" he growled.

"Why are you taking what I say the wrong way?" Bucky asked, his patience obviously wearing thin. He frowned at Jacob and crosses his arms. "Ever since we met you've acted this way. And after our kiss you've barely said a word to me!"

"I don't want to talk about it!" Jacob snapped. "And I told you if you ever mentioned about our kiss I would rip your mouth off!" he threatened angrily.

Before Jacob could react, Bucky grabbed him by the arm and threw the younger male to the ground. He landed flat on his back with a painful thump. The wind was knocked out of his lungs.

Bucky held him down and straddled Jacob's waist with his thick thighs. Leaning forward, the cowboy's face was just inches away from Jacob's own. "You are denying the fact that you enjoyed our kiss. I felt you respond; you were starving for my touch." he whispered, his breath dancing on Jacob's lips. "Just admit that you're afraid of having feelings for me."

The two stared into each other's eyes. All they could hear was the sound of farm animals.

"What I'm afraid of is killing you." Jacob admitted. "I can't afford to hurt anyone else." With all of his strength, he shoves Bucky off of him and hurried to the farm house.


Gabriel eyed himself in the mirror. Checking for anything wrong with his figure. His hair was perfectly trimmed, he was freshly shaven, and he wore nice clothes.

He looked perfect. He looks important. That's not good.

'If I'm gonna find Jacob without him noticing, I need to blend in.' Gabriel thought.

Unzipping his suitcase, he looks through his clothes for anything he could use. Gabriel is used to dressing as if he was some rich billionaire. (Which he kind of is.) But when he's alone he likes to wear simple clothes. Not many get to see him like that. (Only one person has though)

He changes out of his clothes and slips on a pair of torn jeans and a cotton dress shirt. Not what he usually wore but it would do the trick.

Giving himself another once-over, Gabriel was pleased with how he looked and leaves the jet bathroom.

There was only two other people in the jet that wasn't the pilot. His two top dogs that took care of the dirty business. They were loyal to the end.

"How far are we from Clarksville?" Gabriel asked as he settles down in his seat.

"Two hours, sir." answered his second in command, Paulo Carmine. A large Italian man dressed in nice threads and gelled hair. "We already got a few people on payroll in Clarksville. One of them told us that Danvers is enrolled in the town's high school." he explained. "Since he's expecting us, he might try to hide or run." said Gabriel's third in command, Johnny Four-Fingers.

"No. No. No." Gabriel said. He wags his finger at his men like they were bad children. "I know Jacob more than you. He's not like that." he said surely. "He'll pretend like everything's normal while he prepares. When we get there, he'll be acting like he's a normal kid."

Gabriel picks up a photo that was taken from the airport. He had a hacker on payroll and the man found out where Jacob went. For some reason, Jacob's parents didn't tell Gabriel where he went in the state of Virginia. Maybe they still had some love for their son despite kicking him out.

The picture was of Jacob walking through the busy airport. For once, he was dressed like a spoiled rich boy. Gabriel was used to seeing him with only shorts on. Also blood and sweat.

"Where could he have gone in Virginia?" Gabriel asked.

"Our tech guy said that Jacob has an aunt in Clarksville, Virginia. It's thirty minutes away from the airport that we're heading to." answered Paulo. He hands Gabriel some papers. "Her name is Patricia Cambell. Age: forty-three. Lives alone on a farm and has a business in selling sheep wool and pastries." he explained.

"That's an odd combination." Gabriel mumbled as he views the photo of Jacob's aunt. A kind looking woman with a dark tan.

"Do you have her address?" Gabriel asked.

"Yeah. It's on the outside of Clarksville. The farm is secluded and far from any other houses. We shouldn't have anyone interrupting us." said Johnny.

"Good. Good. I don't want any problems."

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