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Hey everyone. It's me AJ. Boy do I have a good one. Quite out of my comfort zone. I was so nervous taking this on.

In doing so I got another friendly competition. AdrenalNightmare an apprentice of mine and I are going head to head. Judged between the two of us.

Dakota best of luck as I am making my move and my way to let my followers know this is happening.



It wasn't easy. Most knew what was going to happen here. Every single one knew how this was going about. A Angel who stood there on trial for questioning had the same fate as everyone else. Banishment. No other way around it. And to all the busy men who had the power to do it all? God's man in command. The one and only Lord Micheal. He stood there and behind his flowing blonde locks was a face with no emotion. He had no choice. Serious decision at hand for a real cause. Rather more then one.

"Angel please state your name." Said an Angel as the bailiff.

"(FN) (LN)."

"And you are here on trial for sins committed." Stated Lord Micheal.

"Yes Sire." You look down at the ground and this isn't good. Your heart is racing even though you have had your fate.

Lord Micheal was reading the report and was puzzled. "(FN) I find this an interesting report. It says here and their are witnesses to say you have committed this awful act. You stole from a church."

"Lord Micheal it was for the better of the people. I love what I do as much as anyone. What I did felt right." You pleaded guilty basically but wanted to say why.

"What good is stealing from a church. That's greed."

"Sire if you see the activity I think it's unfair."

"Doesn't make it right and you know this."

"Lord Micheal some of those in attendance don't know when their next meal is happening. The priest is driving a brand new car that coats ten million yen. That fair? That right?"

(Google currency on 3/3/19 tells me $89,354.00 just for reference. So he's got a BMW or Benz or something.)

"So what did you do with that money? What did he think about the overhead?"

"I took one day's service. I spread to a few that needed it most by spreading it out on different days that week. I know my fate Lord Micheal. I know what's next for me. The writing is on the wall. It's obvious. I will take my punishment sir. I apologize for playing Robin Hood. Truly I am. But I did good out of it. And for that thank you for allowing me to speak. I am grateful to serve you. Glad to be here. But I will say I am glad people got to eat and keep warm instead of someone enjoying his big estate, fine cuisine, and fancy car. That is all sir."

The bailiff was saddened as he turned to the man of the court. "Sire?"

Lord Micheal sighed. "Usually this is a hard choice. Some mean well and some deserve it. Even though you are more, 'spirited' if you don't mind me saying so."

"None taken Sire."

"(FN) (LN) as much as this makes me filled with sorrow I will do as I must."

"No hard feelings I know. Thank you for everything Lord Micheal. We will meet again."


Well Dakota your move I guess. Good luck. Can't wait to see where this goes.



Banishment (Kuroka X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें