Niall's birthday

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A week came and everyone woke up at half six got changed and ate breakfast. Once they were finished the older children helped put blankets, basket of food and other stuff in the boot of the minibus as the younger ones climbed in, Harry putting Niall in his car seat

"You got Ni's pushchair, blanket and doggy" said Chris

"Check" said Charlie

"Thanks Charlie" said Chris

They got in the minibus as Chris drove to twin lakes. They didnt have to line up as they already paid so they made their way in

"Alright youngers ones grab at least one of the older ones hands" said Chris

"Niall come on bud" said Charlie "you hold my hand"

Niall took hold of Charlie's hand as they saw the swings

"Dad can I go on that?" Asked Megan

"Sure but you need to take someone else to go on it with you" said Chris

"Come on Aiden we are going on that as well" said Louis

"Leo come on that with me" said Vanessa

"Sure" said Leo

"Come on Jenny" said Oliver "James don't like high rides"

"Meg I take you on" said Taylor "Dylan watch Ty and Crystal"

"Sure" said Dylan

"I want to go on that" moaned Crystal

"Hey I take you on it" said Max

So they lined up in the line until they finally got on the swings. Emma was watching but turned away

"Em are you alright?" Asked James

"Yeah it's just doesn't look safe" said Emma

"They be fine" said James

"Dad can we go on the swans" said Harry

"Sure Ni you want to go on the swans"? Asked Chris

"No" shouted Niall

"Alright bud" said Chris

"Me go with Haz" shouted Tyler

"Yeah" said Chris

Tyler and Harry went on the swan ride. They were off it when the swing ride stopped as the other came walking/running over

"That was good" said Megan

"Okay next ride is the egg saucers" said Chris "sit in group of five or fours"

"Max, Charlie, me, Ni and Aiden" said Louis

"Crystal, me, Taylor and Ty" said Dylan

"Me, Emma, Josh, Zayn and Hayden" said Megan

"Fine, me, Jen, Ollie, liam and Vanessa" said James

Dani and Rick walked over

"Josh you come on that with me" said Dani

"Sure" said Josh "Haz come on"

They got on the ride all at the same time as some other children complained because they are a big family

"Alright are we all ready" said Max

"Yes" said Louis

"Lou we are behind you" shouted Tyler

"Hey Ty" said Louis

The ride started as Louis, Aiden and Max spun it whilst Charlie took hold of Niall's hand

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