bad news

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Niall ran straight to Josh and tried getting on the bed

Hey Josh said Chris

Dad said Josh

Hey son said Chris I heard you just woke up

Dad I can't feel my legs, why can't I feel my legs panicked Josh

Nurse shouted Chris

Two doctors ran in as they hurried him out the room as Anne came In

They are doing test on him to check said Anne I stay here and talk to you. They are keeping him overnight and tomorrow so if you want you can stay and I can drive your children home

Okay thanks said Chris

An hour later they wheeled Josh back in as Doctor Zord came in

I'm afraid it's bad new explained Doctor Zord we got the bullet out of his back but it affected his legs so I'm afraid that he won't walk but bring him here every Saturday and we can get him back on his feet

Sure said Chris alright Leo take Ni home and tell Dani and Rick that they must babysit you tomorrow as well okay

Sure dad said Leo

Daddy I want to walk I want to play football cried Josh

Hey Josh you be walking in no time little bro because us Hutcherson's are strong said Leo

Leonardo kissed Josh goodbye as he walks to Anne's car. Anne drove Leonardo and Niall home

Thanks for the ride said Leonardo

Leonardo walks in the house with a sleeping Niall as everyone stood up

How is my twin? asked Zayn

He's fine said Leonardo let me put Niall into his bed and I'll come and explain everything

Leonardo puts Niall to bed and walked downstairs to explain everything

Alright they got the bullet out of him but it affected both of his legs so he can't walk explained Leonardo so every Saturday they be going to the hospital to help Josh walk again. By the way Dani you got to babysit us tonight and tomorrow

What so no parents said Louis awesome

I can't babysit you so Sandy going to have babysit you explained Dani

Not Sandy groaned Louis

She mean said Meg

She is not mean Meg said Dani

Is too said Meg

Yeah she talked about mum said Harry

Alright that is enough everyone bed now ordered Dani

Everyone went bed the next day came and everyone woke up. To see Sandy in the living room

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