niall and Louis in trouble

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"Leave us alone please" begged Louis "he is just five"

"I was nice until you showed up" explained Man

The man broke in and dragged the pair of them I to a cellar and locked the door they saw a boy with a girl

"He caught you as well?" Asked Louis

"Yeah he kills us" explained boy "I'm Tom this is my sister Rosalie"

"He captures siblings" Said Louis

"Yeah his children was killed so he kills everyone children he had a five year old boy and a teenage boy just like you two" said Tom

"Me no like me want go home Lou" mumbled Niall

"I know baby" said Louis

The man came back with an axe

"Just let us go please" begged Louis

"No you two will be my sons" said The man

"No we already got a dad" yelled Louis

The man walked over and grabbed Louis by the face and sliced his cheek

"You will do as you say" said The man

The man left. It's been three night and the others has been worried

"Maybe they in trouble" said Harry

"I'm going out to look for them" said Leo

"I'm coming" said Aiden

Leo and Aiden left. On the other hand Louis cheek has been killing him

"It stings" said Louis he pulls out his phone "hey this is the guy who is holding us hostages"

"Yeah" said Tom

"He killed his own children because they never listened to him we are in big trouble" said Louis

"Wait do you have internet down here?" Asked Tom

"Yeah" said Louis "let me phone someone"

Harry- Lou where are you

Louis- Haz put Dani on the phone

Harry- she sleeping but Max is here

Max-Lou where the hell are you

Louis-I found Niall but aman kidnapped us he is going to kill us please help us Max please we in a cellar"

Max- hey bud just stay strong I'm on my way

The man came back and snatched Louis's phone he could hear Max shouting as the man grabbed Niall who screamed

"He is coming with me" said the man

"No get of him" shouted Louis "leave him alone"

The man pushed Louis down who fell and cut his leg

"Lou" screamed Niall

The man knocked Niall out and dragged him away. A couple of hours later they heard police cars along with Max

"Get back kid" ordered Mark

"No Lou and Ni they in a cellar" shouted Max

"Max" yelled Louis

"Let the kid through" said Colm "Max you said Cellar can you help me open it"

They lifted the cellar door to see Louis, Tom and Rosalie

"Come on out you are free" said Colm

They climbed out

"He has Niall" said Louis

Colm took of and ran into a house to see the man cradling Niall

"You are such a brave boy but you screamed I'm so sorry I got to do this" said the man

Louis limped in

"I know what you did,you killed your own sons and now you think you can kill everyone elses children but you can't" yelled Louis

More police showed up as two handcuffed him. Niall woke up and ran straight to Louis who picked him up when Colm walked over

"You are fine" said Louis

"Shall we get your leg checked over Lou" said Colm

"Not at the hospital" said Louis

"No we got an ambulance that can wipe your leg" said Colm

"Okay" said Louis

They walked back to ambulance as they checked Louis's leg when the others came

"Twin" shouted Aiden

"Nialler" shouted Harry

They hugged Louis and Niall as Chris came and picked Nialk up and whispered "Grandma has gone baby she gone"

Niall yawned as Chris placed his dummy in his mouth as he fell asleep. They arrived home

"Just let him sleep" said Chris

"Halloween is coming soon" said Harry

"Yeah but Leo is taking you I'm spending time with my mates" said Chris

"yay Leo" cheered Megan "go as a princess"

"Yeah" said Leo

"Tinkerbell" said Crystal

"I'm going as Peter pan" said Tyler

"I'm going as a pirate" said Harry

"Well I'm coming" said Emma

"What about your parties?" Asked Chris

"Forget the parties dad it's family time" said Emma

"Yeah" said Max

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