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The afternoon is going slow in the Hutcherson household but they were interrupted by a knock.

"I get it" shouted different voices all at once

Harry beat everyone to the door as he opened it

"Grandma" shouted Harry he hugged her "come in Grandma"

Chris walked over

"Mum what ae you doing here" said Chris

"Well I thought you need help and I'm right letting Harry open the door it could have been anyone" said Grandma

"Now tomorrow I booked you a day off so you can see your friends" said Grandma

"Charlie and Max you are not in on mondays so you take Josh to the hospital and I get the others to school" explained Grandma "but for now we will eat is dinner ready"

"We normally order and takeaway" Replied Hayden

Chris ordered the food. Two hours later the food arrived as everyone sat down to eat

"Daddy me want sippy cup" said Niall

Chris poured juice in Niall's sippy cup as he began to drink. The following day came and Chris went out

"Alright everyone get in the car I drop the secondary people to school and then primary school afterwards" said Grandma

They got in the car as Grandma drove to the school's but instead of going home she drove to another school closer to home as she Carrie's Niall in

"Hello I'm Julia this must be Niall" said Julia "hi Niall welcome to the school. So he has severe autism"

"Yes" said Grandma "bye Niall"

Grandma left a crying Niall. Halfway through the day the bell rang for lesson but Niall wasn't interested the bell was hurting his ears so he bolted out from the school not caring he just wanted to leave. His sensory kicking in everything around him is loud and he just wanted to escape. He ran across the road when a car honked it's horn but the person driving the car realised who it was as he stopped the car and phoned someone


Araon- hey Chris I just saw your youngest son running he came from reception

Chris- okay can you find him

Araon-no I lost him sorry

Chris- alright

Meanwhile, Chris went to fetch his other children and drove home but Louis stayed after school

"Alright where's Grabdma?" Asked Chris

"Shower" replied Harry "I can hear it"

Grandma came walking out with a towel around her head

"Mum where the hell is Niall?" Asked Chris

"Well he needs to learn so I sent him to school" answered Grandma

"Get out my flipping house now mum, I told you over the phone that he doesn't go school" yelled Chris "how could you"

"Wait Niall ran away from school" said Aiden "Grandma we told you he doesn't go school because of his sensory issues"

"I'm sorry" said Grandma

"You always saying your sorry Grandma but you don't actually mean it" said Vanessa "get out we don't want to see you ever again"

Grandma got her bags and walked out the house. When Leo, Max, Charlie and Josh came

"What's going on here why is Grandma leaving?" Asked Josh

"She sent Ni to school and now he ran away" explained Harry "we must find him"

"We will" said Chris "Dani Is searching for him as well and I alerted the police so Colm will be searching for him as well"

Louis came walking back

"Grandma I'm home" yelled Louis

He stops to see everyone else

"Where's Grandma?" Asked Louis

"She left" replied Aiden

Louis hung his head down

"But right now Ni is gone" said Liam

This caught Louis's attention

"Well we split up and search for him" said Leo "I take Harry, Josh, Zayn and Hayden"

"I take Aiden, Lou, Max and Megan" said Emma "Charlie you can come with us"

"I take Liam, Vanessa, Crystal and Tyler" said Chris

"I go with Tay" said Dylan "and the triplets"

They split up

the Hutcherson family Where stories live. Discover now