Aiden and Louis birthday

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The next morning came and Louis was the first one awake as he made his way downstairs when Leo and Niall walked downstairs into the living room

"Lou birthday" shouted Niall

"Yeah say happy birthday Niall" said Leo

"Happy birthday Lou" said Niall

"Thanks Ni" said Louis

The others came in as Leo went to cook breakfast

"Happy birthday Aiden and Louis" everyone said

"Thank you" they replied

"Pancakes are ready" shouted Leo

They ran into the kitchen and sat down as Leo and Chris served pancakes

"We got a lovely meal planned for your birthday" said Chris

"Cool" said Louis

"Can we go to bowling daddy?" Asked Tyler

"Yes that's where we are going anyway" said Chris "bowling we are working in teams of two"

They ate their breakfast as Chris got Niall as the others got changed. Half two came and they drove to a restaurant as they sat down

"Hello welcome to the restaurant what can I order for you today?" Asked waiter

Chris told the waiter what they would like to eat as the waiter goes of when the power rangers movie came on

"Lou red power ranger" said Niall

"Yeah" said Louis "I be green and Aiden can be blue"

"I be pink" said Megan

"I be yellow" said Crystal

They watched power rangers even when the food came

"Yummy" said Emma "isn't it Harry"

"Yep" said Harry

"I don't want the carrots daddy I don't like carrots" moaned Tyler

"Tyler I know you eat carrots you won't get any pudding if you don't eat your carrots" said Chris

"I DON'T WANT MY CARROTS" yelled Tyler

"Tyler you are banned from your xbox" said Chris "you won't get any presents tomorrow"

Tyler began to eat his carrots

"Good boy" said Chris

"Well done Ty" said Dylan

The lights went of when someone came walking over singing happy birthday whilst holding a cake as Louis and Aiden looked up to see their best mate

"Oh my days" said Aiden

"It can't he you wasn't suppose to come back until next week" said Louis "Caden"

"I'm back from the war" said Caden "happy birthday twins"

Louis and Aiden got up and hugged Caden as Niall blew out their candles

"Nialler" said Harry "Lou and Aiden needed to blow out the candles"

"It's fine" said Aiden

"What's been the best the cake or Caden?" Asked Leo

"Caden" replied Aiden and Louis

"I missed you" said Louis

"I missed you two to" said Caden "it's been hard but I made it through"

"Alright let's head home we got Christmas tomorrow so bed early" said Chris

They drove home as they watched Avengers in the living room as Tyler and Megan fell asleep

"I take them to bed" said Max "come on Charlie carry Megan"

They put Megan and Tyler to bed as they went downstairs to finish the movie

"It was good" said Hayden

"Dad" said Josh "we got to go bed or Santa won't come"

They all went bed Chris carrying Josh to bed

"Goodnight dad/daddy" said Everyone

"Goodnight" said Chris

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