adventure park

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A week passed and everyone was getting bored when Niall's specialist came

"I booked the whole family to go on an adventure park for tomorrow" said Kira "you be going with me I see you tomorrow"

"Yes thank you Kira bye" said Chris

Kira left as everyone went bed. The next day came and they woke up Early. Dani and Rick arrived

"Zip lining" said Aiden "we having breakfast when we get there"

"Yes" said Chris

"Let's go we got Ni's pushchair dad?" Asked Harry

"Yes Haz" said Chris

They got in the minibus and drove to the adventure park. They walk over to Kira

"Hi" said Kira "first obstacle is tunnel work but we all must work as a team to get to fi ish line and park"

"We can do this" said Megan

"Chris you be at the back Dani and Rick in the middle I take Niall and Louis and Tyler because of their problems" said Kira

"Problems woman I got anger issues not problems" said Louis

"Lou she didn't mean it like that" said Aiden

They see the tunnel as Kira and Tyler went through together

"Okay Louis you get Ni and bring him through you must crawl" said Kira

Louis and Niall started crawling to the other side as Kira high fives him. Everyone else crawled to the other side except for Vanessa

"Vanessa come on we can't move until you over here" yelled Megan

"I'm not getting dirty" shouted Vanessa

Liam crawled back under to her as he takes hold of her hand "twin it's alright to get dirty this is to have fun" Vanessa shakes her head so Liam wiped mud all over her "tough now you are dirty" she chased him under the tunnel "you did it twin"

"I did it" yelled Vanessa

"Next obstacle  is climbing the net" said Kira "we must help each other"

They began to climb as Louis and Charlie helped Niall as Charlie reached the floor and grabbed Niall. The others made it over except for Zayn who got stuck

"Dad a little help please" said Zayn

Chris helped Zayn and placed him on the ground and started tying his shoe lace up. They followed the path until they came to the mud path

"We must walk through" said Kira

"No way" said Tyler "Tay carry me please I don't want to walk through"

"Hey Ty you can walk through" said Taylor "just hold my hand okay"

"Okay Tay can I hold Dylan's hand as well?" Asked Tyler

"Yeah sure" said Dylan

They made their way through the mud when they walked over to the lake

"We got to go on boats" said Aiden

"Dad I don't want to go on boats" replied Charlie "not after what uncle did to me when I was younger I protected Lou from him"

"Yes dad please don't make us go on a boat I might get pushed in" replied Louis

"Hey Lou it's alright to be afraid of boats but no one is going to be pushed in" said Chris "i promise i know Charlie you jumped in after him"

They got on the boat as Louis sat staring into space on his own as Harry sat on his lap and started cuddling into him

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