walking again and cast of

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Chris, Louis, Niall and Josh woke up early to see Charlie up watching TV with a poorly Harry

"Tell Leo to watch the others and Harry rest okay" said Chris

Harry nods and snuggles into Charlie

"Bye, bye Hazza" shouted Niall

"Bye Ni" Harry mumbled

They left the house and got in the minivan as Louis and Niall walked upstairs to get the cast of when Chris and Josh met them after going in the lift

"Hiya Niall back again to get the cast of" said Julie

"Yes" said Niall "then me can climb like big boy"

"Yeah" said Julie

Julie took the cast of Niall "you need to move your hand more often but sleep with this splint on" Chris nods "bye"

"Bye" said Chris

They went to the physio therapist to help Josh walk again

"Hey Josh" said Ryan

"Hi" said Josh

"Brought your brothers this time" said Ryan

"Only two of my brothers" said Josh "the rest are at home"

"Okay" said Ryan "I'm Ryan you are"

"Louis this Is Niall" said Louis

Ryan stood behind Josh who stood up and began to walk he got halfway before he fell this kept happening until he gave up and started crying

"Hey Josh it will take time" soothed Chris

"My wish never came true daddy I can't walk I will never walk again I will never play football or mess around with my siblings" cried Josh

"Josh no cry please no cry" begged Niall

Louis took Niall outside and phoned the others

Leo-key how is it going?

Louis-nit good he is in bits he can't walk

Hayden-bless him

Jenny-Lou you need to be with him encourage him tell him he can do it

Zayn-yeah tell him he can walk again

It's that bad I had to take Niall out the room he is playing with his dummy in his mouth

Emma-go in the room with him Lou and tell him he can do it

Line-us Hutcherson's don't give up fighting mum never gave up fighting

Vanessa-thats a lie she did

Liam-no she never she fought hard but the cancer overtook her

Vanessa-exactly she stopped fighting

Max-twins pack it in you are upsetting Hayden

Louis-guys mum had no choice she knew she was dying I was there remember when she died" Louis looks at Niall "she fought hard okay"

Liam and Vanessa-okay

Louis-I  see you guys soon"

Louis puts the phone down and takes Niall back into the room and walks over to Josh

"Hey Josh you can do this, you got this don't give up now little bro" said Louis "mum fought and Niall fights his battles everyday so you will walk tomorrow because I know you can"

"Me knwow ou can too Josh" mumbled Niall

Louis helps Josh up and began to hold hands, he let go when Josh began to walk all the way to the end by himself

"I did it" yelled Josh

Chris runs over and picks him up and hugs him. They went home

"No luck guys" said Chris

"I couldn't do it" said Josh

Louis places a sleeping Niall on the couch as everyone comes in when Josh gets up and starts to walk as everyone hugged him

"Well done bro" said Hayden

You did it twin" said Zayn "I knew you could"

"Lou helped me" said Josh

"We are proud" said James and Oliver

"Yeah" said Jenny

"Santa's wish came true" said Tyler

"It did indeed" said Emma "he granted it"

"Yes" said Josh

They sat watching TV and eating popcorn. Weeks went by as Josh began to play sports with his friends

"Dude we missed you" said Tyrell

"Yeah it was no fun without you" said Owen

"I know" said Josh "but I'm  back again"

"With me though" said Hayden "anyone tou hes my little brother they are going to get it"

"We look out for each other" said Louis he puts an arm around Hayden and Josh as the others came

"We are family" said Liam

"Yes" said Dylan

"Here comes trouble" said Taylor

"Get of the swings" said Boy

Megan came running over "they pushed me of the swings" Louis took Megan over along with Josh

"Oi get of that bloody swing now Yannick" shouted Josh

"No" said Yannick

Josh pushes Yannick of the swing as he began to push Megan when Leo came over and started pushing Niall who tries to jump of it while moving so Leo stopped the swing

"Naughty Ni" said Leo

They went home. Few weeks later Harry is better but Charlie is Ill

"Bless" said Emma

"Shut it" groaned Charlie

"I'm sorry" said Harry

"No problem buddy" said Charlie "it's only a cold"

"Okay" said Harry

"Good" said Charlie

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