“Dunno but not anytime soon,” I muttered, glancing up at her with a glint of amusement. “So are you ready to go? Don’t you want to meet the lads?”

“Oh I would love to! Let’s go Louis!” She ushered me to quickly finish my tea.

“Ok I’m done. Let’s just go.” I left some notes on the table and followed the hyper Elena out. When we finally reached my car, Elena immediately went to the passenger’s seat and waited patiently for me to trudge my way to my side and start the car.

“You’re so slow Louis,” she said, drawling out my name.

“Be patient woman,” I retorted, slapping her hand when she tried to change the radio station. She glared at me before making herself comfortable in the seat.

“You’re such a baby Lou.”

“I beg to differ especially since you’re acting childish right now.” I chuckled at her when she shot another glare at me.

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked out at the window as we zoomed by the stores and buildings. “Say, now that I think about it, the episode didn’t show you and Harry talking when he found you. It just ended. What happened?” I saw her look at me with curiosity from the corner of my eye.

I focused back on the road but realised that traffic has started to pick up and we were moving at a snail’s pace. I let out a sigh. “I guess I have time to tell you. It was good that Josie left it out though…it was too personal.”

“Oh, was there loads of snogging?” She waggled her eyebrows at me and then giggled profusely.

I could feel my face start to redden. “N-no shut up!”

“Did I hit a sensitive spot? I was just joking but from your reaction, did something kinky happen?”

“What have you been reading? Fifty Shades of Grey?” I asked, shocked at her word choice.

She frowned and shook her head. “No not yet so don’t spoil it.”

I waved her off. “I don’t have time to read.”

“Right, I forgot you are a superstar.”

“Nope, just lazy.” I grinned and turned off the radio. “So do you want to hear the story or not?”

“Yes!” she yelled.

“Calm down girlie. Ok let me get out of the street and park so I can tell the story in detail,” I responded, looking right and left for space to pass through.

“Yes sir!”

“You are way more hyper than usual. What are you on?” I asked suspiciously, half-joking and half-serious. I was really curious though because Elena was usually calm and mature.

That Should be Me: A Larry Stylinson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now