Chapter 14

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The Euro Cup 2012 has started today! WHOO! haha sorry I love soccer. Anyway back to the story. As i said, I want to keep it under or at 20 chapters. I don't want to bore people with dragging it out and everything. Sigh, I wish I could do some parts differently but ohwell, I can't do anything about it now. SO I think this chapter is a bit longer? Idk Microsoft Word says 18 pages but Wattpad :P OH before I forget, I'm starting on a new story..well 2 actually, maybe~ I think I will upload one tomorrow, a short chapter so you guys can read it & see if you like it. Ok, reading time!

-Jacki xoxo.

Chapter 14

Louis’ P.O.V.

“Louis, you don’t have to go with me today. Your ankle still hurts, doesn’t it?” Elena asked, worried at my current distressed state.

Apparently straining your ankle and walking when you’re told not to, aren’t good ways to heal an ankle fracture. After performing on stage yesterday with Harry, before we even got to that part, I collapsed because my ankle couldn’t take the pressure anymore.

I was then whisked off to the hospital with a grumbling Harry at my side. He was blaming himself that he forgot to take me to the hospital right after we got off the bus. He probably forgot because I made myself walk and look like I was better, so I guess that was my fault.

I wanted to go visit Elena’s mum with her today since she missed her greatly but I also wanted to see their condition.

“No, I want to Elena. And besides I already finished my only class for today so I’m free , no need to worry about me,” I assured her. My underarms were getting shaffed by the crutches that the doctor made me use. I’m usually clumsy but I didn’t think it would result to crutches. I thought I was likely to get a brace or a boot at most but no, fricking crutches.

“Alright Louis.” She eyed me curiously before pulling into her driveway. It was a simple house but I could tell it was old and not well taken care of. “Sorry about the appearance. We moved here a few months ago but it wasn’t exactly home. We couldn’t really adjust. It was hard but I think it’ll get better now.” Elena smiled sadly and I took that as my cue to take her in for a hug.

“Its ok babe, I’m here for you. You’re gonna be fine.”

“Thank you Louis,” she said sincerely. She then whispered something that I wouldn’t have heard if not for the close proximity.

Why couldn’t I be the one?

I knew she didn’t mean to say it, at least not for me to hear anyway so I didn’t comment.

“Come on Lou, let’s go now.” She smiled and got out of the door. I shook my head of the thought. I like Elena, I really do and sometimes I think that being with her would be so much easier than loving Harry.

I quickly got out and supported myself with those damn crutches, making my way to the front door. Elena knocked a few times before using her key.

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