Chapter 5

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I just finished writing, phew. It really has been a busy week so thank you guys for waiting:D 2/21/12 was an exciting date for one direction and all directioners and I'm so proud of the boys. The only sad thing this week was that for a bet, i had to give up Twitter and One Direction youtube videos for a month! :( so I can't keep up with the boys until 3/23...i think i can do it, sister is mean, enough said. Anyway enough about my life, haha, story time! Enjoy and comment ;)

-Jacki xoxo.

Chapter 5

Louis’ P.O.V

I’m so nervous.

We’re backstage right now, waiting to go on for our interview to reveal our big surprise to the public.

I wonder how our fans are going to react. The tour just finished and we announced at the end of the concert that we are going to take a little break. Fans all over the world asked us all these questions over Facebook and Twitter.

And now we’re here, telling everyone…we’re going back to school.

“Louis! Stop pacing back and forth! Everything will be just fine!” Niall complained while filling his plate with donuts.

“I know, I know, I just – I’m just a bit worried” I said biting my nails and then went to take a seat next to Liam, who was texting Danielle.

“Niall’s right Louis, plus Harry said he had everything under control. You trust him don’t you?” Liam paused and spoke directly at me.

“Of course I do. I always trust Harry, but I still feel that the fans won’t take it well” I murmured, shaking my head.

“One Direction is up in 5. Are you ready boys?” asked our manager, walking towards us. “Where are Harry and Zayn?”

“Well, where else can Zayn be? Either sleeping somewhere or in the bathroom, looking at the mirror” Niall chuckled and kept stuffing his face with donuts.

“Niall, stop eating. Your mouth is all chocolaty.” Liam sighed and put his phone away. He then grabbed a napkin from the table and walked towards Niall. “You big baby” Liam grumbled while wiping away the chocolate from Niall’s mouth.

“Thanks Li Daddy!” Niall smiled, showing his chocolate-stained teeth.

“Aw how cute is that.”

“HARRY!” I yelled and ran towards him, arms wide open.

“LOU!” He caught me as I jumped to him.

“BOYS! You’re on in 1!” Well, our manager is going crazy right now, probably because we don’t look ready at all.

We let go of our embrace and laughed.

“Niall, clean up after yourself. Louis, Harry, stop laughing and where on earth is Zayn!”

That Should be Me: A Larry Stylinson FanFicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang