Chapter 7

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Yay, i finally finished hahaha. I actually wanted to make sure it wasn't a cliffhanger this time, cuz i don't want you guys to start hating me :( i actually had to finish this despite my overwhelming homework because i love you guys and want you to read it:D anyway, thank you for all the lovely comments and keep them coming, yeah? :) ok enough ranting, here it is, THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN and enjoy:)

-Jacki xoxo.

Chapter 7

Louis’ P.O.V

“Layla? Tell me what?” I urged, grabbing her arm. “Did something happen to Elena?” The only possible thing that could register in my mind at that moment was her grandpa’s death. That has to be it, right? Other than that, I can’t think of any other reason that could explain Layla’s anxious face.

“Oh, I guess you don’t know then. Nevermind, it’s ok. Let’s go now.”

If she thinks she can just drop the subject like this, then she does not know Louis Tomlinson at all.

“Layla, come back and tell me, n—.” Suddenly, out of nowhere, something hit the backside of my head, HARD and then bounced off. I fell forward, my whole body came crashing down and I couldn’t even cushion the fall before my face was pancaked against the ground.

Well, that was definitely gonna leave a mark.

“LOUIS!!!” The shouts from the boys were the last sound I heard as I receded into darkness.

Harry’s P.O.V

The moment Louis hit the ground, everyone and everything just paused. No one reacted, stunned at the sight. I think we all believed he was gonna pop right back up and laugh his bum off, remarking how it didn’t hurt him at all because he’s such a tough lad.

But he never did.

We immediately rushed to him when we saw that he wasn’t moving at all. “Louis! Wake up!” I shouted, shaking him vigorously.

Please be alright, Lou.

“Harry!” Niall snapped at me, trying to get my attention.

“What, Niall?” I turned to look at him with an impatient glare.

“He’s not gonna wake up, he got knocked out cold and probably injured right now because of the impact.” With that, I quickly flipped Louis’ body so that his face was facing us. My hands roamed around his body, checking for any signs of damage. Luckily he wasn’t bleeding anywhere. Although there were several scrapes, there wasn’t anything dire, except a huge bruise was forming on the back of his head. I touched it softly, through his tousled hair. His face had collected bits of rocks and dirt from the ground and I brushed it away, attempting to clean him up.

That Should be Me: A Larry Stylinson FanFicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz