Chapter 6

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HI GUYS! So I haven't uploaded in a week :( sorry hahaha well i think this chapter is a bit longer and the upcoming chapters will keep geting longer i hope :) hmmmm what else? oh right, ENJOY! Please comment! thanks everyone :D

-Jacki xoxo.

Chapter 6

Louis’ P.O.V

“Welcome to America boys.”

 “Thank you sir” I smiled wide at the security guard as he let us through. I looked at the boys and winked.

 We rolled our luggages out terminal 3 and up the slope while hearing dozens of people shouting for their friends and loved ones. For the first time, we didn’t have to sneak out or get bombarded by our fans even though they are so sweet for waiting to greet us. I looked around at the familiar surrounding of LAX. I heaved an exhausted sigh and then an idea popped into my head. Turning to the boys I saw them texting, talking on the phone, looking around and then there’s Niall, waiting in line for a pizza.

 Going over to Nialler and pulling his pants down seem tempting, but I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time I pulled his trousers down. I shuddered at the memory. Nope, I do not want to go down that road again.

 I chuckled and then yelled “Race you lads outside! 1.2.3…GO!” I swiftly grabbed Harry’s hand and took him along. All of their heads jerked up at my voice, completely surprised.

“LOUIS! YOUR LUGGAGE!” I heard Liam shout behind me as I ran as fast as I could.



No wonder I felt like I forgot something.

Well…Liam will handle it. I’m so evil.

 I laughed to myself and glanced at Harry. He was stumbling, losing his footing and almost tripped over his bags.

I slowed my pace.

“Sorry pumpkin. I always have to drag you into everything. Here, let me help you with that.” I took one of his bags and placed it over my shoulder.

I smiled sweetly at him and was about to take his hand back into mine when he smirked and bumped his forehead into mine.

“Silly bear, I love you, and I should be the one saying sorry for being a pain in the arse for the past weeks” he mumbled, our noses almost touching. 

“It’s fine Hazza. Has Caroline texted or called since that night?” It’s been almost two months now but I’m still curious if she made an attempt to get Harry back.

Harry hesitated for a second before opening his mouth.

That Should be Me: A Larry Stylinson FanFicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora