(10) "捕まった"

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And the winner is...




A) Fight back.


Heh, was it really a good idea though?

Oh and if this book reaches 1k votes I'll throw a party and probably will do a special chapter 'cause why not. Just saying xd


"So... What do we do now?" Hannah inquired, her demeanour as calm and collected as always. It was impressive how the young kitsune was able to keep her laid-back attitude despite the fact that you were currently surrounded by a pack of wild beasts.

"Isn't it obvious? We fight back" you decided. You weren't completely sure what pushed you to make that decision... Was it the effect of the adrenaline flowing through your veins? Was it you willpower? Or were you just being reckless and stupidly careless? Whatever it was, it didn't matter anymore. It was too late to change your mind anyways.

Maya shot a deadly glare at you, making you gulp. It didn't help the fact that her eyes were glowing yellow. You knew too well that if looks could kill, you would be as good as dead by now. On the contrary, Akane seemed to have lightened up upon hearing your decision. She was obviously satisfied with the turn of events, and the atmosphere around her changed abruptly. It was as though a powerful aura was surrounding her figure.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear, hehe..." you hadn't really paid attention to the fact that she was a demon, a living being borned in the depths hell for the sole purpose of bringing chaos, up until know...

Because in spite of looking like normal young girls they were, in reality, supernatural creatures. You should really feel scared of them, so why was it that instead of fear you felt... Attraction?

'I'm messed up' you concluded.

Akane cracked her knuckles and Sasha stood in a fight stance, her eyes were now an inhuman bright crimson. "Very well then, let us teach them a valuable lesson they will never forget" the vampiress half smirked, slightly showing one of her sharp fangs.

"Honestly... I don't approve of this, but I guess it can't be helped" she glared at the beasts, showing them her long and sharp nails, which could be easily compared to claws. Looks like she would use them as a weapon. "You better give it your all in the battlefield, (Y/N)!"

You gave her a smile and nodded.

Konoha sighed in defeat. "I can't say I'm happy about your decision, dear, but you know what? Bring it on, I'll punish those sinful beasts of Hell" She was in her supernatural form as well as Maya, Akane and Sasha.

"I wish we could just go back and rest..." Hannah sighed, looking as sleepy as always. "I guess I need to get serious now" as she finished that sentence, four yellow tails appeared on her back and she also grew two fox ears.

But what surprised you the most was her sudden personality change.

"Wohoo, it's been a long time since I had to get serious" her tails swayed energetically and she seemed too happy, almost hyperactive. "'Kay, I'll defeat these beasts, (Y/N), make sure you watch me!" She gave you a smile so bright that it could match the sun itself and you smiled back at her.

"I will" you got in a fight stance and readied your twin blades. You could feel a latent power radiating from Kaen and Kawa, waiting to be unleashed in the future, and this gave you hope. Maybe some day you would also be able to protect the girls instead of them always having to take care of you as you felt you were drawing them back due to your incompetence. And how they agreed to help a human girl without expecting anything in return was still a mystery...

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