(1) "ようこそ"

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'A voice? Who's there...?'

You started to regain consciousness and got more or less aware of your surroundings. You knew very well that you weren't alone and what frightened you the most was the fact that you were actually defenseless, and that those who were around you could be dangerous.

"Is she even alive?"

Said a female voice you've never heard before.

"Of course she is. Can't you see she's still breathing?"

Another voice, but this one had a slightly sharp and sceptic tone.

The next voice sounded gentle and kind, but you didn't recognise it either.

"Ara ara, haven't we talked about this already? I know it's normal in you, but why don't you try to be a bit more nice to her?"


'Ugh... I have to get up'

You tried to gather all your strength and even though your body was practically screaming at you not to move, you refused to lie there and do nothing.

Ignoring the pain that shot up through your limps, you slowly began to move. Eventually, you were able to sit up and open your eyes.

Feeling as if it had been a long time since you saw the sunlight, you groggily rubbed your eyes and then looked at the three girls that were located a few metres away from you.

They seemed to be too busy to even notice you had woken up.

Heaving a sigh, you glanced up at the blue sky. Immediately after that, you realised something very important.

"Where the hell am I?!" You blurted out, staring at the unfamiliar surroundings.

'Last time I checked I was in a creepy forest'

There wasn't a single cloud up in the sky, and where the normal sun was supposed to be, there was a red sphere twice as big. Your hands were touching grass, and it looked like you were in the middle of the countryside.

One of the girls, who had blond hair, had heard you and was now looking at you with a poker face.

"Oh. The girl woke up" she commented as she changed her look into one of curiosity.


"What are you--..." The female with straight black girl turned her gaze at you and her eyes widened. The last one, with a peculiar pink hair color, was also speechless.

. . .

A heavy silence filled the air.

"Uhh... Hi?" You finally said in an attempt to break the awkward silence.

"Wow, she even speaks our language" the pink-haired girl remarked.

You started to get a bit annoyed by them talking about you as if you weren't right in front of them.

'I mean, come on... That's just rude.
Yes, they are quite good-looking and all that but-- Wait, what am I even thinking in a situation like this?'

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