(7) "商店街"

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And the winner is...




B) Go to the merchant district and buy some food and clothes.


"Okie. Sasha and I will be going with you to the merchant district tomorrow morning~" Konoha said in a cheerful tone. She seemed happy about you coming with them.

Maya sighed. "Then, I'll go to the forest alone, since I'm the one who is used to being there" she said, referring to the fact that she usually went there when she was in her wolf form.

Sasha gave a quick nod. "Perfect. Hannah, Akane and you will head to the blacksmith. He's our friend so it shouldn't be difficult to find the right weapons and potions"

"Got it" Hannah said before she sat down on the sofa, curled up in a ball and... Fell asleep.

You sweatdropped. That was so like her.

"Now that everything's settled, we should rest until tomorrow morning. And! I don't wanna hear you complain about waking up early" Maya said as she frowned slightly at you.

You sighed in defeat. "Yeah yeah, goodnight to you too" you felt so tired, you just wanted to sleep.

"There are three bedrooms left. Konoha, we will sleep in my room, which has two beds. Maya, you'll take the first guest room. Konoha, can you show her the way? I have to speak to the human girl"

Konoha nodded, looking at Sasha suspiciously "Goodnight, (Y/N)-chan" she then walked away with Maya.

You raised your eyebrow at the vampire girl, and you could have sworn that she was smirking, but when she looked back at you, her normal serious expression was back.

'What was that??'

"Follow me, (Y/N). I will show you where you will be sleeping" she said and after that, she started heading to the room you would be staying in for the night.

Once you arrived at said room, the girl gestured you to get in. You did so, but you didn't expect her to come in as well, and what is worse, close the door as she walked to you...

"Sasha, what's wrong? You're acting kind of..." You trailed off when she stood in front of you, and she placed a finger on your lips, making you frown slightly.

"I must confess that you are the first human girl that has caught my attention. I am not very fond of your species, since they have only brought chaos and extinction... But, you are a whole different thing" her eyes started to glow red and she slowly pushed you, making you fall on the bed.

You were shocked and your body couldn't move.

"We are not like you at all. In my case, I am a vampire... Do you know what that means?" She spoke in a low voice, leaning towards your face as your cheeks turned as red as a tomato.

"S-Sasha, knock it off..." you managed to slutter.

"It means that I feel attracted to your blood. From the moment I set my eyes on you, I have been trying to control myself, but each day that passes it becomes more and more difficult" her face was now a few centimetres away from you neck, and you felt her breath, which made you shiver.

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