(8) "トレーニング"

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You hadn't even noticed that Konoha had taken the bags from your own hands, and was now carrying them.

You snapped out of your thoughts and were brought back to reality by Konoha, whose face was now a few inches away from yours.

"(Y/N)..." She whispered, almost seductively.

"K-Konoha, what are you doing?" You gently pushed her and she immediately gave you a pout. "You meanie... It was the only way to get your attention" she said in a way that made it seem like a complain.

"Sorry, it's just that... I bumped into a girl and she sort of reminded me of someone I've seen before" you explained her.

Konoha sighed. "So you were with someone else after all" she took your hand and started to walk, leading you through the crowd. "That could've been dangerous. What if she were to attack you? This place is so crowded, I wouldn't have been able to find you in time" she scolded you, even though her tone was sweet and kind. She really sounded like a worried big sister.

"Yeah, I'm sorry" you gripped her hand a bit tighter, slightly afraid of getting lost among the crowd.

Fortunately, you were able to make your way through it and you were currently standing in front of a fountain. Surprisingly, there weren't many people, probably because they were busy buying stuff in the other part of the district.

"Uff we finally made it!" Konoha let out a sigh in relief and then offered you a smile. "I'm glad that I didn't lose you this time. I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if something bad happened to my dear (Y/N)"

You suppressed a laugh. "You're such a drama queen, you know that?" You teased her.

"Whaaat? It's normal that I'm worried about you-- oh. Hey, isn't that over there?" Konoha was now looking at a certain direction, so your (E/c) eyes followed her gaze.

Standing next to the opposite side of the fountain was the vampire girl you were looking for. She was carrying a few bags, probably full of delicious food or ingredients.

"Heeey, silver-haired lady!" Konoha shouted, waving cheerfully at her. Said female turned around and instantly spotted you two. Then she walked to your position.

"Are we done here?" She asked.

"Yeah! But... I don't think it's a good idea to leave right away. We should wait for a while til there are less people walking around" she suggested. "Besides, I'm pretty sure (Y/N) would like to explore around the merchant district for a bit longer" she wrapped an arm around your shoulder, smiling convincingly.

"Is that so?" Sasha raised an eyebrow, giving you a expectant look.

"Yes. I mean, if that's okay, then sure" you replied, slightly shrugging.

Sasha sighed but she didn't complain either. "Alright. Where do you want to go now?" She asked. Apparently, she intended on going with you, which you found quite nice of her.

"We've already seen plenty of clothes, so why don't we go and check the food?" Konoha looked at you.

"I'm a bit curious about what you usually eat here in Vexlord, so sure. Let's go" you responded, feeling a bit excited about it.


Time had passed rather quickly for you. It was no longer morning, and as Konoha had said before, there weren't as many people as before. The two girls had taken you to some markets to show you the food that was being sold there. In the first one, you were a bit disappointed when you found out it wasn't anything out of the ordinary as it looked like any other market in you world, selling the same stuff and everything.

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