Who to choose

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Austria: Germany, You have an ask.

Germany: Vhat is it?

Austria: Well, @Felicia_Vargas_1116 asked if you were in a situation where you can only choose 1, who would you choose? Prussia or Italy?

Germany: Vell, if it's a life or death situation, I cannot save both but considering ve can be revived so I can still save zhem.

Austria: That is true-

Germany: However I could risk my life to save both of zhem.

Italy: Ve!~ Gracias Germany!

Prussia: Kesese~ Zhat's mein little bruder!

Germany: I- Italy?! Bruder?!

Japan: Gomenasai Germany-San, they somehow got here.

Germany: I-it's fine but did zhey hear everything?

Japan: Hai...

Germany: Mein gott...

Austria: Um, ask or dare?

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