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France: Reads the dare Ohonhonhon~

England: What is it now you bloody frog?

France: @sophiacai2007 asks what happens if Italy and Romano's curls were to be pulled and asked Germany and Spain to do it. Drinks some wine

Romano: NO!!!!

Italy: Ve!~ Did someone call me?

Spain: Chases after Romano

Romano GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!

Germany: Uhm, alright. Does it

Italy: Blushes V-ve?~

Germany: Italy, are jou okay?

Japan: Doitsu-San, I think you shourd ret go of the curr.

Germany: If jou say so. Lets go of the curl

Italy: Whew! That was so strange!

Romano: Gets his curl pulled and kicks Spain Y-you-a bastard!

Spain: AGOHCK!!!!!!!!!

France: Ohonhonhon! Pulls on Italy's curl

Italy: Blushes again I am-a confused!

Austria: I think you shouldn't do that France.

Spain: Has stopped pulling and us now hugging Romano

Romano: Struggling to escape Spain's cuddle I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!

France: Are you sure Austria? *Hic!* He seems to be enjoying it~

Austria: Please France.

France: Lets go Can I lick your face then?~

Austria: Wh-what?!

Italy: Ve?

Japan: N-nani?!

Germany: Vhat!?

England, Spain and Romano: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

Austria: France, are you drunk on something?!

France: Non, non Austria!~ *Hic*

England: I can smell the wine from you bloody frog!

Spain: France, amigo, you may be taking this a little too far...

France: What're you talking about?~ Leans onto Austria

Austria: Get off me France!

France: Just, 1 bite- Gets knocked out by a metal pipe

Russia: Kolkolkol... You've been very naughty France~

Germany: Russia? Vhen did jou-

Russia: Are you alright Austria?

Austria: J-ja, I'm fine. Thank you Rus...

Russia: Smiles Not a problem da!

Portugal: Comes In with Netherlands What happened here?

Spain: Oh Portugal, are you okay now?

Portugal: Yeah, after bringing that fake Portugal to jail and clearing everything up with Switzerland and Hungary. I'm really sorry for what that guy did to you.

Austria: All is forgiven however how exactly did you get in that situation?

Netherlands: He was kidnaped and put in an abandoned building for a month. I-

Portugal: No, please don't apologise it wasn't your fault.

Netherlands: . . .

Portugal: Do you want to go to that restaurant? I'll pay.

Netherlands: Sure.

Portugal: Good! You still haven't answered my question though.

Romano: The pervert bastard got-a drunk.

Russia: Then I knocked him out when he tried to do something to Aus da!

Netherlands: Oh.

Portugal: Wait a minute... Inspects the wine SOMEONE SPIKED THIS WINE!!!!!!!!

Germany: VHAT?!?!?!?!?!

Japan: Who wourd-

Netherlands: Picks up a card and reads it 'Please don't touch my special wine, it is my special wine. -Rome'

Romano: DAMNIT GRANDPA BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spain: He should really find a better place to put his wine.

Austria: So, ask or dare?

Russia: Kolkolkolkolkolkol...

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