Oh dear gosh...

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Thailand: Uh, what is this na?

Singapore: Let me see. Reads the dare From @sevenzero1118 who dares all Asians to meet their 2P selves...

China: WHAT ARU?!?!?!?!

Japan: Not again...

2P Philippines: Smoking What?

2P Singapore: You need discipline! Attacks Singapore

2P Thailand: Carrying a dead elephant

Thailand: Faints

Malaysia: Running from his 2p self

China and Japan: Fighting their 2Ps, again

Brunei: What's going on-

Hong: Runs off with Brunei

Manila: Arguing with her 2p self

Spain: Wait, where's the Region Trio?

Philippines: Mindanao is currently on surgery. I asked them to take care of him while Manila and I attended the meetings.

England: That makes sense. There's an ask for you Philippines and it's if you can see Mythical creatures like us as well.

Philippines: Yeah I can, I always wonder why Japan never sees his Yokai though. I should probably help out though.

After the chaos settled down

Malaysia: *Phew* That's done... Um Korea, we have to prank call Indonesia.

Korea: Can do da ze! Tell me what can tick him first!

Malaysia: O-okay then. She likes sports, Badminton and soccer and she's the big sister of ASEAN, she is one of the founding members. She's also on good terms with Netherlands.

Korea: Got it! Calls Indonesia

Indonesia: Hello?

Korea: Fakes voice I have Netherlands and the ASEAN countries captive-

Indonesia: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! You listen here you sicko, no one and I mean NO ONE, harms my friends and family! I will track you down, AND I WILL KILL YOU GOT IT SO LET THEM GO WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Korea: GAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!

Malaysia: Snatches the phone Indonesia, it's just South Korea's pranks-

Indonesia: Oh, good! Well, bye! Hangs up

Malaysia: She's going to kill you, her voice sounds too forced...

Korea: Oh no...

Netherlands: I heard my name being mentioned.

Portugal: Hi Netherlands-

Switzerland: PORTUGAL!!!!!!!!!

Portugal: AAAHHHH I'M SORRY OK?!?!?!?!?!?! Runs off

Netherlands: What did he do again?

Hungary: Just called Austria names that made him stop eating, NOW COME HERE!!!!!!!! Chases after Portugal

Netherlands: *Sighs* Damnit Port...

Scotland: Anyways, Ma, Germania and Rome play Monopoly as the dare says.

Britain: Alright then?

Germania: Vhat is, 'Monopoly'?

Prussia: Jou'll see.

After playing...

Germania: DAMN JOU ROME!!!!!!!!

Rome: I am the king!

Britain: Oh dear...

Korea: So ask or dare da-

Indonesia: Bursts in with her bamboo stick KOREA!!!!!!!


Ask or dare Hetalia!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora