More universes... Yay...

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America: Ok dudes! @KathrynAnneLasam asks if the 3ps, 4ps, 5ps and 6ps are real and if they are we should see them!

Norway: No, we will not.

Denmark: Huh? Why?

Romania: Ok, allow us to explain. It is possible for those 3-6ps to exist but the risk is too high.

Spain: What risk?

Germany: Are zhey dangerous like the 2ps?

England: No, however if we go to their universe or bring them here it could disrupt the whole space-time continuum!

Hungary: But didn't you bring those other versions of ourselves?

Norway: Yes but that is because they are SAFE to bring. The magical influence in the CardVerse is more than enough for us to bring people from that universe to our own for a while however the more people we bring the less time we have before we have to return them home. It's the same for the 2ps but not the other universes.

Netherlands: So it's impossible to even bring 1 of them here.

England: We could but it would take too much power.

Norway: Now then, ask or dare.

Finland: Wai-

Norway: ASK OR DARE.

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