Japan's Yandere?!

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Japan: Oh, a new dare is rereased. Reads it and goes pale

China: Japan, is something wrong aru?

Japan: Shakily hands the dare to China

China: From Retinazer257 gacha summons character who'll be a yandere to Japan for the rest of the chapter?!

Hungary and South Korea: Oh no!

England: Pardon me but what is a 'yandere'?

Japan: Yanderes are peopre who wirr kirr those who stand between them and their Senpai. At any means.

America: DUDE.

Russia: Sounds like Belarus...

Italy: That-a sounds-a very scary!

Norway: Wait, Gacha?

Japan: It's an anime game I made with Rumine.

Greece: Aw... No more petting...

Malaysia: So then who's-

Lunith: Destroys the wall Oh Master~

Japan: *Gulp*

Scotland: Well sh*t.

Australia: Welp mates, it's every man for themselves!

Lunith: I found you Master~ Hugs Japan

Japan: Pushes her off R-Runith-Chan prease don't invade my personar space!

Lunith: But you look so cute, especially in that maid outfit~

Norway: Ok I'm getting my spellbook.

Lunith: Not so fast! Attacks Norway You're not separating me and Master!

Norway: Gh! Falls unconscious

Denmark: Norge!

Romania: I got him! Catches Norway

England: I think it's best if we don't provoke her.

Japan: Hai, that is a very wise decision Engrand-San.

Switzerland: WHAT'S GOING ON OUT THERE?!?!?!

Ukraine: There's someone here, and she's like Belarus but with Japan!


America: AAAAHHHHH!!!!! Who provoked her?!?!

Norway: Finland.

Finland: I thought she wanted presents!

Switzerland: SH*T!!!! LILLI GET OVER HERE!!!!! Grabs Lilli and pulls her into the closet

Romano: F*CK!!!!

Rome: Romano don't-a make me put-a you in-a the corner!


Italy: Germany! Where-a are you?!?! I'm-a scared!

Lunith: Who'll be my first victim~ How about you?! Attacks Austria

Austria: Hgh!

Hungary: Austria! Oh that does it GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!! Attacks Lunith with her frying pan

Japan: Trying to hide somewhere

Ireland: This is insane!

Scotland: Yer tellin' me!

Singapore: Dodges a flying knife ALAMAK!!!!!!

China: Isn't so lucky as Singapore No... Falls unconscious

England: Oh BOLLOCKS!!!! THAT'S IT, I WILL SEND YOU BACK TO H*LL!!!! Takes his wand and attacks Lunith

Canada: Gets hit by one of Lunith's skills M-maple!

Cuba and America: CANADA!!!!!!!

America: Dude take this! Throws a bat to Cuba

Cuba: Catches it and nods THIS IS FOR CANADA!!!!!!!!!!! Attacks Lunith

Germany: Just arrived only to duck for cover Mien gott, vhat's going on here?!

Japan: Germany-San. Forgive me but it was a dare. Runith-Chan is a yandere.

Germany: Those lovesick psychopaths jou told me about?!

Japan: Hai, we need to Gacha summon right type. Runith-Chan is a dark type.

Germany: Ja, but vhere can ve get these light types?

Japan: Arrow me.

Lunith: I have enough of this!

South Korea: Oh no you don't!

???: Fires bullets at Lunith

Lunith: Nearly dodged it What the-

Nova: Not so fast Lunith.

Lunith: Nova? How did you-

Killios: It's time to drag you back to our world.

Snow: Exactly!

I'ba: Time to put you to justice!

Lulano: Lunano will knock you out of the sky!

Zeijur: You shall be punished!

All 6: Activates skill and drags Lunith back to Gacha World

Romania: What just happened?

Germany: Gacha summoning happened.

Italy: Doistu! Tackle hugs Germany

Germany: Italy vhy are jou vearing that?

Prussia: It vas a dare...

England: This will take a while to clean up, ask or dare chaps.

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