Hetaoni- NO ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Italy: Ve~ DC bella from-a AgentKittypaws dares us to-a react to-a Hetaoni!

England: Hetaoni?

Romania: Oh dear lord NO!!!!! Runs off

Denmark: What's with him?

Norway: There was that 1 time where we went off to different dimensions separately. I ended up in Nyotalia, England ended up in Cardverse but Romania didn't tell us where he ended up in. I suppose this is where he was back then.

France: How bad can it be then?

1 reaction later...

Italy: WWAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!! GERMANY!!!!!!!!! Hugs him crying

Romano: W-what-a is this?!

Germany: Too shocked to move

Prussia: Vest? Vest?! Germany! GERMANY!!!!!!!


Germany: J-ja?!

Austria: Germany, what happened?!

Germany: I- I-

Japan: This, isn't- This isn't rear...

China: Starts hyperventilating

Korea: WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?!?!?!

Hong: China, calm yourself! China!

Japan: China, stop! Lightly shakes him

England: No... It wasn't enough?... I'm supposed to be the strongest magic user there and it wasn't enough?!

America: Grips England's shoulders Artie stop! You did all that you can do don't blame yourself!

Scotland: The idiot's right lad!

England: Crying NO!!! I could've done more, I could've-

Wales and Ireland: England please!

Australia: Mum, calm down!

Zealand: Please you're overthinking this!

Britain: My son, calm yourself. Hugs England and soothes him

England: Cries more I could've, *Hic* done more!...

America and the Kirkland bros: Hugs England

Prussia: Hugs Germany Vest, please... We're vorried.

Germany: I just-

Austria: Don't explain anything.

Germania: Hugs Germany as well It's okay...

Japan: Lightly cups China's face and faces him China, rook at me. You need to carm down. Deep breaths. Slowly breathes in and out

China: Follows and soon calms down Th-thank you aru...

Rome: Hugs Italy and Romano

Romano: Let me go stupid Grandpa!

Italy: Hugs both Germany and Rome

Russia: Rubs China's back in comfort

France: I was so wrong...

Finland: U-uh, we'll be back soon!

Timeskip brought to you by beating up Portugal!

Norway: Lets never mention this again.

All countries: Agrees

Mexico: So the next one by M is to meet the... Creepypastas.

America: AAAHHHHH!!!!!!! Nopenopenope! Not doing it! Nu-uh!

Sealand: Do what?

Romania: So, are you guys-

England: Don't mention that bloody universe ever again!

Romania: O-kay...

Philippines: Ok, let's do it!

Manila: So how would we bring them here?

Slenderman: We are already here.

America: Jumps on England AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

England: America!

Ben: Gay!

England: We're not a couple!

Scotland: Wait what?

Britain: You didn't know?

Ireland: Of course not!

Wales: We thought he kissed him!

America: Dude that's incest...

Japan: However you kissed...

England: It was a family kiss, Iceland and Norway do it as well! It's the kind where it's platonic!

Iceland: It was 1 time.

Norway: I agree to that. The family one that is.

Malaysia: So now what?

Finland: U-uh, ask or dare?

Slenderman: Jeff don't kill them!

Korea: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff: Get over here!

Ask or dare Hetalia!!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum