Hetalia cast with a few others!

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America: Ow... Dude what happened?

England: How should I know you bloody git?!

Norway: What the-

France: Zhis is strange.

Scotland: Hmph. Smokes

Switzerland: Litchenstein?! Where are you?!

Lilli (litchenstein): I'm here big brother.

Purussia: Kesese~ Zhe Awesome Me is here too!

Germany: Shut up bruder.

Italy: Ve! Germany I'm scared! Hugs him

Germany: Blushes a bit

Japan and Hungary: Taking pictures of them

Spain: Holding back an angry Romano

Wales: How did we get here?

Austria: I don't know.

Greece: Asleep

Russia: Anyone wants to join Mother Russia da?

China: How about no aru?

Cuba: AMERICA!!! Hits Canada

Canada: Ow... I'm not America Cuba, it's me Canada!

Cuba: Stops Oh, sorry Canada.

Canada: It's alright.

Australia: Crikey! We were in a meeting then this happens!

Sealand: Well it does look like the meeting room!

Grandpa Rome: Is that-a my grandsons?!

Italian Brothers: Grandpa Rome?! Hugs him

Italy: Grandpa Rome!

Romano: I thought you-a disappeared!

Grandpa Rome: Well I'm here now!

England: You're the Roman Empire?!

Grandpa Rome: Yes, yes I am!

???: From outside You double confirm hah?

????: Oh course! This gotta be the place!

Spain and England: That voice!

????: Bursts through the doors Kamusta po!

???: Aiyoh Philippines! Don't break in lah!

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???: Aiyoh Philippines! Don't break in lah!

???: Aiyoh Philippines! Don't break in lah!

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