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Was our cue to leave.

Smiley Face wasted no time in pulling me through the crowd, all but running as things took a turn for the violent.

The need to attack everyone and anyone clawed at me as the last remnants of the beat faded from my mind.

All around us, partygoers began to attack each other, lashing out blindly as the beat became frantic.


Jagged cracks were forming in the ceiling and floor, releasing dust into disco-lit air.

"It's tearing itself apart!" I yelled over the noise and growing terror. "Society is doomed!"

Seriously. Kids these days.

"That is the least of our problems!"

Smiley Face suddenly jerked us to a stop as a large crevice opened in the floor in front of us.

We stood at the edge catching our breaths... Staring down the pitch black hole.

The abyss stared back.

"Come on." Smiley Face release me so he could jump over the gap.

... Pretty much stepped over it with his stupid long legs.

What a jerk.

Sure, it wasn't that far of a jump, but my throbbing head made it seem a mile wide.

Clenching teeth, I threw myself across the gap.

I die a hero!

Or at least a semi-agile teenager.

Smiley Face was forced to grab my arm, steadying me as I landed with an awkward stumble.

Yes, I leaned into it a little more than necessary.

With all the distress I was being put through, a side order of damsel should be complementary.

Before I could graciously thank him and suggest that he may carry me the rest of the way... A dancer threw herself at us.

Smiley Face leapt back and extension brought me with him, leaving the party girl to fall past us...

Annnnd into the pit.

The girl tumbled past us and into the dark crevice with a scream. A sound that was lost to the crowd around us.

............. she's probably fine.

That being said, I didn't want to find out what was at the bottom of the pit myself. Breaking my gaze away from the fallen girl, I forced myself to follow after Smiley Face.

It wasn't exactly smooth sailing, but we made it to the stairs unharmed, encountering the Brat at the bottom. The boy stood in front of the Staring Girl, wielding the baseball bat against anyone who dared to get close.

....He was suspiciously good at it.

Probably didn't need to fly into the fray, releasing a battle cry while tackling the dancer closest to him.

But I did it anyway...even going so far as to roll back up into a heroic pose.

"Fear not young ones, for I have returned!"

The Brat raised his bat to hit me.

I jumped backward, hands up to shield my (supposedly) beautiful face.

"Wait! I've been cured!"

"But I'm still angry." The Brat snarled as he pursued stomped after me with the blunt weapon.

Down Come Seven (ReWrite 2018)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora