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We had half an hour left on the clock.

With not a lot of progress made.

Not with Empty Mask Guy... or with the tunnel I was trying to build through the floor.

Apart from The Brat, everyone else had stayed to try and help Empty Mask Guy.

Which was really nice of them, considering what a pain the guy was being.

Even though we had tried everything we could think of to get him to open one of our doors, he still stood there and said the same thing over and over.

Must keep in.

I, on the other hand, had the foresight to come up with a plan B.

Hence, I am trying to dig a tunnel through solid concrete with my bare hands...

It was while I was doing this noble task, that I decided to ask a really awkward question. Something that had been bothering me for quite some time now.

"So? Does anyone one else have it?"

Smiley Face sighed, sagging to sit down on the floor of his cell.

"Have what Joker chic?"

"A memory." I scratched a nail against the floor. "One memory that isn't distant like the rest...A memory of something bad?"

After a long moment, the Celebrity nodded, while Smiley Face turned away.

"...I just wanted... it to be over..." The Celebrity told us, barely above a whisper. "All of it."

She buried her masked face in her hands, unable to say any more.

I stared at the floor.

Me and my big mouth...

"....He's looking at you." Smiley Face broke the abrupt silence, drawing everyone's attention to the centre of the room. "You started talking about your memory... and he turned to look at you."

I stared at Empty Mask Guy, who had indeed turned to face The Celebrity.

The most progress that had been made in almost an hour of trying.

"Hello?" I called out tentatively. "Can you hear me?"

He grunted.

No "Must keep in."

A grunt of pain.

"...Maybe we need to tell him our memories." Smiley Face didn't sound excited by the prospect.

"But that's... So lame!" I threw my hands up in outrage. "What happened to the awesome sea monsters and the man-eating crabs?!"

"If you hate it so much, just tell him something so we can get this done with!" Smiley Face snapped.

I bristled at his sudden temper.

"How about you-!"

"People hurt me." Came a quiet voice. We all turned to look at the Staring Girl, who had been so quiet she barely seemed to exist.

"People hurt me. I never tell anyone. I always hide it. I don't want people to know." She fell silent, obviously finished.

I stared at her.

If the quietest person in the group could summon the courage to speak...

I stuck up my hand.

"Hey, Empty Mask Guy! Here's the thing. I never take anything seriously!" I revealed my darkest shame...

It didn't really come as a surprise to anyone...

Down Come Seven (ReWrite 2018)Where stories live. Discover now