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"Hate to say I told you so..."

"Shut up."

"...But I totally told you so."

We sat in the snow. Defeated.

Reeling at the sudden loss.

The unfairness of it.

"...She cheated."

Smiley Face was shaking slightly. Angry perhaps. Maybe even Afraid.

More likely.


"She's a kid." I shrugged numbly. "You know how they like to make rules up as they go along..."

None of us ever stood a chance.

Smiley Face bowed his head.

"...Do you remember... what you said on the beach after that Nervous Guy died?" He asked.

Finally. An easy question.

"Poor Mr Nervous..." I sighed. "He only got to say three lines before he was killed off..."

"That's not what you said."

"We were all thinking it."

Smiley Face lifted his head.

"You said that we didn't know for sure that they were dead."


"Has that changed?"

Is a dangerous thing.

After a moment, I shook my head.

"She never told me what happens to the ones who lose."

Why we're here. What this place is. Anything...

"So there is a chance?"

I huffed.


"Obviously not one I was willing to bet my life on."

A grim moment of silence passed between us.

"...So what now?" Smiley Face asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"We all die horribly? "

With a frustrated sound, Smiley Face stumbled up onto his feet.

The tall boy stood over me, his mask covered in cracks.

Mine wasn't much better.

He held out a hand.

"Since when were you so boring?" He asked.

I gapped at him, mortally offended.

"I am Brooding. Not Boring!"

He shrugged.

"That's debatable."


When I took his hand, I made sure to yank Smiley Face back down into the snow.

Being annoying is my thing.

By the time we untangled our limbs and climbed to our feet, Smiley Face had gotten his revenge by shoving snow down the back of my shirt.

Joker Chic will remember that...

"So this is Defeat round eh...?" I stood, braced against the snowy winds, hands on hips.

Down Come Seven (ReWrite 2018)Where stories live. Discover now