Down Come Seven

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Today, I woke up in Hell.

...Well, maybe not The Hell. Not the traditional fire and brimstone version anyway.

Sure I was in agony, but that had more to do with sleeping on the cold hard floor than any official form of soul repenting torture.

It was the least of my problems anyway, considering I had no idea where I was or how I came to be here in the first place...

Which, I gotta be honest here. Is not as much fun as it looks.

Didn't help that Here happened to be a dark, unfamiliar room. You know, the sort destined to feature in future nightmares.

On top of its overall creepiness, the room had a fine layer of dust covering every inch of available surface, from its rotting floorboards to the paint peeled walls...

Before my eyes, a cockroach scuttled across said wall....only to be snatched up and dragged to its death by a spider lurking in one of the many cracks in the plaster.

Its tiny screams echoed in the near silent room.

...Just not ruling out Hell as a possibility here.

The memory loss was a nice touch.

Nothing sells terror like waking up to the question of "Who am I?" and "what does one do when they wake up with no memory of what they had been doing before they found themselves in a room that looked like it belonged in cliché horror game set up?"

You know, besides Find the flashlight or have an internal freak out about the prospect of this being in some form of eternal damnation?

... If there is one thing for sure, the answer is not Go explore my surroundings.

That is how people die in these sorts of situations.

Which left one option.

Sit here.

And do nothing.

... I'll admit.

I'm not exactly a productive person.

Or a brave person... Or overly intelligent...

Patience is also not one of my virtues. Which is why I was able to talk myself back out of sitting still and doing nothing within the first five minutes.

Sitting here agonising over my flaws was just as likely to get me killed as anything else at this point, Right?

So why not at least do something before whatever it is that haunts this place decides to rip my limbs off?

That's right world.

Boredom is the only motivation I need to throw caution out the window.

Taking a moment to build up some courage, a long moment, I slowly force myself to stand up.

Baby steps. The monster never shows up until you start to get comfortable... so just get on your feet so that you have a chance to run...

Once standing, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Ha. Totally didn't die. Awesome.

Next on my list of amazing feats to accomplish, examine at my surrounding. Do a full 360 on this bad boy.

I started to turn...and as I do so, I see something move in the darkness.

All thought of exploring was exchanged for screaming.

Down Come Seven (ReWrite 2018)Where stories live. Discover now