Story Rp 1: Rise of the End, Sacred Secrets Emerge

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Hey everyone. It's me, Weeksjmj29. We have gotten to the story to chapters. Now, here's some things you need to know. In this, all rper will follow the storyline that revolved around a certain character while helping to affect whatever will happen. In this, the main Character is Amelia and her dragon Ceros. Now. Let's get to the prologue.(it'll be like the Star Wars intro, but whatever. Lol.)

Rise of the End, Sacred Secrets Emerge

In the land of Alagaësía, there are many species of people all going about their lives in peace and harmony. From the serenity of the forest, the elves tend to the nature with Grace and love as magic circles around them.

In the deep, vastly mountainous terrain of the Beor Mountains lies the Dwarves that tend to themselves as they continue to more figure the deeps of the mountains. In the west, humanity has grown and lived the way that have for centuries. In the depths of the treacherous mountain range known as the Spine, multiple Urgal tribes fight for honor and glory amongst themselves.

Throughout the lands of Alagaësía, peace and tranquility is watch by the mighty dragon riders that help keep the peace. And young Amelia has join their ranks. With their help, she'll be a great dragon rider. And so the land of Alagaësía is at peace.

But nothing last forever. Darkness is arising in Alagaësía. Bandits and slavers are becoming more active. Some dragon riders are beginning to doubt the way of the world. Then there are creatures that feed on terror, such as the Ra'zac. But the worse has yet to come.

Cause in the far North beyond DuWeldenVarden, an ancient being is awakening from it's slumber, and with it, the beginning of the end draws near. But as it awakens, a more deeper secret is beginning to stir. One that's so sacred, that it has been lost to time.

An evil being threatens Alagaësía, and all life on the planet. And will take everyone to fight it. But what will it take to bring everyone under one banner.

Well, it's starts with the will of a single girl. Question is, will she be strong enough?

It all starts when dragon riders make a trip to the Harbor City of Teirm.
(Start Point.)

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