My Seventh Original Character: Amelia and Ceros

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Hey everyone. Sorry I'm late. It's me, Weeksjmj29. Now I'm going to introduce my last 2 characters. Now these 2 will be different from the others. These 2 will be in their own rp chapter, which is one of few story rps I plan on doing. Now, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Amelia and her Dragon Veros.

Character Form:

Name: Amelia

Age: 16

Gender: female

Species: human

Appearance: sunrise orange curly hair, green eyes and freckles on her nicely tanned skin. She has several weird runes and tattoos on her back, her chest, and her hands.

Clothing: she wears a green tunic over a brown pants and green shoes. She has a necklace that was made of pure silver.

Personality: she's perky, lovable, shy, gentle, wild. She's is shy at first, but once she gets to know someone, her true personality sets in.

Likes: reading, hunting, collecting, playing with kids, making bracelets, nature, love.

Dislikes: hate, rudeness, spiders, closed spaces, evil, pain.

Magic Capable: yes

Dragon Rider: yes

Weapons: long red spear, red dragon rider sword, 2 daggers, bow and quiver

Background Story: when she was born, she was brought as a baby to the sea town of Teirm. She was given to a small family by the names of Hidra and Juso Williams. They were fishers, so Amelia learned quick to be a sea woman. She loved the ocean. She caught we fish at the age of 5. She became attuned to the water like a bird to the sky. Her foster parents called her the little Mermaid.

One day, at the age of 9, that she and her foster parents  went fishing, a storm came out of nowhere. As she was trying to help her parents, she was knocked overboard. She then woke up in a cave near the water 3 days later. She was confused at how she got there. She then remembered what happened and was worried that her parents went down with the ship. She thought about what she was going to do. She then decided to go exploring.

As she started exploring, she noticed that the cave had crystals that glowed, from what she didn't know. As she got to the end of the cave, she faound a weird pedestal. On the pedestal was a red stone. She thought items pretty and decided to take it. When she touched it, the stone felt warm. She picked up the stone and put in the bag she carried. She then went the way she came and left the cave.

She found that she was near the shore. She then started walking in one direction: north. A few hours later, she found herself at the gates of Teirm. When she got to the gates, the guards spotted her and instantly recognized her. They opened the gates and rushed to her. They took her to her home where she saw her mother crying why her father stood looking at the fire. When she spoke, they turned and rushed to her, elated that she was alive. They are a feast and celebrated her return.

That night, she found out that the stone was actually an egg. Weird cracking sounds woke her from her sleep. She looked around and didn't see anything. She then looked at the stone and jumped when it started moving. She got up and went to it. She then saw a piece of the stone fell.

Then she saw something come out of the stone. Her eyes widen as she realized that it was a dragon. As it approached her, she heard a chirping sound which caused her to coo it. As she wet to rub it's head, a bright flash appeared and they passed out.

She woke up the next day with the little red dragon curled up next to her. She went to rub it's head when something caught her attention. She moved her hand so she could see and saw that the gedwëy ignasia was on her hand. She smiled. She thought but was pretty , unbeknownst to her that that silver mark marked her as a dragon rider. She put on a glove and grabbed some meat and fed the dragon. She then went about her duties.

A few days later, a few dragon rider stopped at the city of Teirm for a rest and good. As they went to tavern, they saw Amelia helping out the tavern owner with getting some food and bringing out drinks. They paid her no attention as they ordered a room and some food.

They watched as Amelia took some dishes to the kitchen to have cleaned. The door was open. When she took off her gloves to start washing the dishes, a silver mark on her right hand caught their attention. They went up to her and asked if they could see what was on her hand. She showed them and their eyes widen at the familiar silver mark.

They realized that this little girl was a dragon rider. They told her to take them to her parents. She asked the tavern owner if she could and he said yes. She then got her things and lead them to her home. When she walked inside, she told her parents that she was home and that she brought guests. They came into the room and they instantly recognized them as dragon riders.

They asked the riders why they have come to their home. The riders replied by saying that Amelia has the gedwëy ignasia, marking her as a dragon rider. They were all startled when a small red dragon came flying into the room. Her parents were stunned but the riders were unfazed. Her parents asked her how she found the dragon.

Amelia told them that during the storm, she found herself in a cave near the shore south of Teirm. She said that explored the cave and found the red stone and brought it home. That night, the stone hatched into the dragon before them. When she touched it, a bright flashed appeared and she blacked out. She then woke up and found the dragon close to her and the mark on her hand.

The riders then told her parents that she has to go with them to learn how to be a dragon rider. Her parents wanted to refuse but knew that she now was a dragon rider and needed to learn how to be one. They consented saying that as longs as she's protected. They consented to her parents demands.

Amelia jumped up in the air yelling that she was going to be a dragon rider. She then went and packed her things. She then gave her parent one last hug before following the dragon riders and their dragons while the red dragon nested on her shoulder. As the dragons took off, they left for the dragon rider's home. Her adventure was about begin.

However, she didn't know that everything would soon change.

Other: she wants to find her purpose and the reason about the runes and tattoos she was born with.

Dragon Form:

Name: Ceros

Age: 10 (act much older.)

Gender: male

Wild/Rogue/Bonded/Bondless: bonded

Color: Red

Description: he's almost the. Size of Saphira with his wings twice as long. He has multiple spikes all over his body. His claws are sharp and his teeth are sharper as well. He has a weird groove on his chest that looks almost like a rune or tattoo.

Background Story: he was hatched to Amelia, who like Eragon, didn't know that the stone she found was an egg. He bonded with her and protected her from whatever threatens her. Even under the threat of annihilation

Other: he is very joyful and funny

Alright. They are done. Now, the next character will be up soon. Ciao for now.:)-Weeksjmj29

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