My Fourth Original Character: Mevthen Gusthvag

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Hey everyone. It's me again. The last one was wow, very long. Hopefully this one won't be so long. But it's tricky. For the first time, I'm going to make a female Urgal, or Kull if that's saying anything. However, when I think about it, I begin to think that there may be another form to the Urgals, but unlike the male form is the Kulls, there is another form for the females, one that would make them truly the heirarchy of the female Urgals. The ones that the Kulls truly fight for. And for that, I came up with an idea. One that may not work, but it just might. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Mevthen Gusthvag. Also known as one of the Dark Lady of the Darkral.

A little side note for everyone. The Darkral are the Kull version of the female Urgals. The biggest difference is that the Darkral are far more feminine than regular female Urgals. Also, because they are so attuned to magic, that it had altered their appearances so much that they could be mistaken for she-elves. One last note. During any rp in regards to the story, the Darkral won't become dragon riders until the binding contract is changed. But if it's after the story or has no connection to the story, they can be bonded to dragons.

Now that that's done, let's get on to the character form.:)

Character Form:

Name: Mevthen Gusthvag

Age: 25

Gender: female

Species: Darkral(a female urgal version of a Kull, but much more different.)

Appearance: white hair, green eyes, skin is slightly, very slightly gray. She has tribal tattoos and runes all over body. She has slightly curved horns on we head. She also has a green gem the size of a small bead in her forehead.

Clothing: she where's clothes made out of rich animal fur that was made by the weavers in the clan. She wears a gray  bra like top and grey short shorts. She also wears boots made of bear fur. She wears a small necklace around her neck.

Personality: cold at times, but mostly gentle. She's intellectual. She doesn't believe in the "male should kill to prove himself" bid that males do to try to her her attention. In reality, she ignores the Urgals and Kulls that try this.

Likes: studying, adventuring,  nature, training

Dislikes: male Urgals and Kulls that kill  to try and prove themselves to her, disrespect, innocent blood spilled, cruelty.

Magic Capable: yes

Dragon Rider: yes (however if she's in a rp based on the original story or before the events of Eragon, then she won't be a dragon rider until the binding contract is changed. If it's after the series, or has no connection to the series or is in the free world rp, then she can already be a dragon rider.)

Weapons: 2 daggers, one bow and feather tipped arrows, one dual-sided double bladed crescent sword that can extend to become a dual bladed spear.

Background Story: she was born to a set of urgal mates known as Kuvthon and his mate Xevirth. She was smaller than most of the female Urgals. They were planning of discarding her when the chieftain of their tribe stopped them when the shaman sense a massive aura of magic around the babe. They discovered that she belonged to the referred group of she-Urgals called the Darkral.

When the clan discovered this, they celebrated the babe by throwing massive banquets on it's birthday. As she grew, magic seemed to wrap around her in ways that the shamans were baffled at how powerful the babe is.

As she grew, they began to see the similarities between her and the elves. When she turned 20, the other members council of Darkrals came to examine her. That day, the gem in her forehead appeared that caused the Darkral council to shriek and giggle in happiness. The leader of the Darkrals took Mevthen and led her to the center of the village. She then announced that Mevthen was chosen to be the Vurothi Kuskva. The Queen of the the Urgals.

At that, word spread like wildfire to the other villages and hudreds of Urgals and Kulls came to try and prove themselves to her as the Darkralian council tried to teach her everything she needed to know to rule the Urgal Race.

One day, while escaping that guards and suitors, she went on an adventure. Then she discovered the village known as Therinsford. She was mistaken for an elf, so they allowed her in. There, she met a man by the name of Keron. He asked if she wanted to go on an adventure through Alagaësía.

She decided that she would, unaware of the uproar she has cause the Urgals in her disappearance. She and Keron left Therinsford, traveling and learning new things, unaware that every Urgal and Kull was out in bulk, scavenging the land in search of her.

Other: it's said that she has more balls then most Kulls.

Dragon Form:

Name: Mukira

Age: 20

Gender: female

Wild/Rogue/Bonded/Bondless: bonded

Color: black

Description: the size of Saphira in Eragon with wings twice as long as her body. She's cover in spikes and scales.

Background Story: Mevthen found her egg one day while adventuring. It hatched for her and the urgal tribes celebrate her as the Scourge of the Spine.

Other: it hates rats.

She was much easier. Then again, I wanted her form to be short so it would be more interesting. She's done for now. The next one will be Human. However, this human will be an important one. Anyways, bye bye for now.:)-weeksjmj29

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