My Fifth Original Character: Luna the Saint

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Hey everyone. It's me again, Werksjmj29. I plan on posting 2 characters hopefully today. But this first one sadly, isn't human. :(

:) it's a Dragon. A Bondless Dragon. Now, if any Harry potter fans decide to join this rp, then they will love this dragon, as I have named her after a well known wizard from the Harry Potter Series. Now, let's get going. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Luna the Bondless Dragon.:)

Dragon Form:

Name: Luna LightScales

Age: varies (starts at 5 which is young for a dragon)

Gender: females

Wild/Rogue/Bonded/Bondless: Bondless

Color: white

Description: she's a young dragon, so she be smaller than most dragons. Her scales are smooth and not that rough. Her spikes aren't that sharp yet. He's slim and yet muscular. Her claws as slightly sharp. She can't breath fire yet, she's about the size of a car in length and her wings almost twice the size of her body. Like this picture but much smaller:

Background Story: She hatched to a human boy

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Background Story: She hatched to a human boy. Before they could make the bond, the boy was killed. She then fled from his killers. She stayed in the wild. It was a miracle that she wasn't in another predator's belly. She hunted small prey to survive. 

Over the years, she grew. As she grew, she became smarter and stronger she could take on a mountain bear and win. However, she slightly laments for the boy that was taken from her. She decided to wait and grow before she goes to find a new partner. And when she does, she would be able to protect them. If they don't find her first.

Other: she looks beautiful under moonlight, hence her name.

Alright. That's it for the dragon. It's small but it's a dragon form. Of course it'll be small. Now, that's it for now, but the next one will be up soon. Ciao for now.:)-Weeksjmj29

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