Rules and Regulations.

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Hey everyone. It's Weeksjmj29. I have been thinking about doing this for sometime. With the inspiration given by Liznightangel, I will give this a try. Now, normally, i would just given the rules and go to the form.

Not this time. When I spoke to someone on here in particular, I found a few things out about rping. Especially in subjects such as this. People wish to do whatever they wish. For fairness and equality to be praised. Also, people have their own style. For me, it's being descriptive. Others may just be a quick comment. Everyone is different and wish to do it their way.

But of course, I'm monologuing. Enough of that. Normally I would just put the rules quick and simple, but this time it will be different. Let's just get into it.

1.) No OP Characters. No Mary Sues or Jon Does. Everyone will be fair.

2.) Swearing will be limited. No real explicit cursing.

3.) All comments must be in 3rd person. No "I's" or "You's" unless the character is speaking.

4.) No Short and to the Point Comments(S&ttP.) All comments must be descriptive. At least a limit of 3-4 sentences.

5.) smut is to be in pm if wanted.

6.) rps can be in either group or individual. However, if a comment chain that already exist between rpers already exist and people wish to join is prohibited unless it's groups. If that's the case, the group rpers will decided whether or not to allow it.

7.) be nice to one another. Rudeness will not be tolerated.

8.) Password is 2-3 tags. Here are mine.


9.) Have Fun.

Alright everyone. That's all for the rules and regulations. The Forms Chapter will be posted soon. I will have a further explanation for that soon enough.

That's all for now. Bye bye for now guys.:)-Weeksjmj29

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