My Third Original Character: Borvis Bernstrum

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Hey everyone. Sorry I'm late. It's me, Weekjmj29. Now, Ceila was a wild child. I don't know how I will top her, but let's get on with the next character. Now, dwarves aren't know to be friendly or anything, but you never know. As for magic, they rarely have magical abilities unless they spend longer than regular mages to use magic. Borvis on the other hand, isn't your average dwarf. From Dûrgrimst Ingietum, I present Borvis Bernstrum, also known as the Iron Mage.

Btw, this one is lengthy. If you read it, you'll understand why.

Character Form:

Name: Borvis Bernstrum

Age: 49(still young for dwarves)

Gender: male

Species: Dwarf (from the Clan Dûrgrimst Ingietum)

Appearance: tan skin, average dwarf size, red and orange hair and a long read and orange beard. He has green eyes and tattoos of his clan into his back. He has strong and very sturdy muscles. His gait is stern and strong. He also has runes and words in the ancient language tattooed into his skin all over his body.

Clothing: he wears a grey and black shirt with the clan symbol on the back, black breeches and black and grey boots. His armor is black and grey. On the side of the helmet and on in the back on the cuirass is a black hammer, the symbol of his clan.

Personality: calm, collect and observant. He is friendly once he gets to know you.

Likes: making and using weapons when he had time, studying, training, collecting items, his crown Jewel weapon, jewels.

Dislikes: people neglecting their equipment, messy places, rudeness, evil.

Magic Capable: very

Dragon Rider: no

Weapons: a great sword carved with runes in the Ancient language, making have magic abilities(you'll find out soon.), a dual-sided hammer, and his crown Jewel, the magic cannon(I bet you're wondering why it is, aren't ya?)

Background Story: he was born to a family in the Dwarf Clan of Dûrgrimst Ingietum. However, he was born rather smaller than most dwarves. He was frowned upon by other dwarves, even his parents, but King Hrothgar and Orik, didn't care about that. He was adopted by Hrothgar. Borvis didn't take any of the mean things to heart. He ignored them and always smiled at everything.

One day, when he was 12, he discovered that he could use magic. An older group of dwarves teased and bullied because of his size. Before they left, one of the dwarves picked up a stone the size of a baseball and threw it at Borvis. As the stone flew to him, a set of words came to his mind. As he closed his eyes and braced for impact, he spoke the words. He waited for it to hit, but it didn't. He heard a gasp, which caused him to open his eyes and they widen in amazement. The rock topped just a few feet from his face and stayed in place, floating. He felt something pull at him. He let it go and as he did, the rock fell in front of him. He then realized that he used magic. He instantly went to the King and told him of his new found gift. The king widen as his eyes as Borvis used the spell he used before to lift a rock. The King then summoned some of his guards and ordered them to find a magic user in the clan or in the other clans.

Some time later, a thinner than usual dwarf came into the throne room and bowed to the King and introduced himself as Gorven of Clan Dûrgrimst Quan. Hrothgar introduced Borvis and told the dwarf that Borvis is able to use magic. Borvis proved himself by using the spell to lift a rock. Hrothgar then asked Gorven to teach him how to use magic. Gorven asked what he would get in return. The King replied by saying that he would get 300 silvers(I for know the currency for the dwarves), and become an adviser to the King. Gorven accepted the King's offer and took Borvis to train.

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