I now wore a faded blue jeans and a white full sleeved shirt with my Nike shoes. I went back down and kissed Ryan.

"Come back soon." He said and pecked my lips.

"I will." I said, pecking him again. He looked at me intently with expressions that showed his worry for me. I ran my hand through his hair and pecked him one last time.

"I promise I'll come back. Happy?" I said.

He gave me a small smile and nodded. Evan accompanied him and both dropped me and Alex to our cars. Alex had his car here. He sat in the driver's seat while I plopped my butt in the passenger seat. Evan waved at us as Ryan stood still. I felt like something was bothering him, but he was trying to hide it. I passed him a smile and soon we drove out of their premises.

"So when can I expect you walking down the aisle with a baby bump?" Alex asked and I almost choked on my own spit.

"What? Where did that come from?"

"C'mon. Are you blind or deaf? You two obviously did the deed and he's totally wrapped around your little pinky finger. You are whipped so...as I was saying...when can I expect that scenario?" He completed his explanation.

"I'm going to be honest with you. As soon as this shit is over, I don't care if he proposes or not, I'll marry him. I can't think about my life without him. I know it makes me sound clingy but I can't help it. Am I getting clingy?" I asked.

He chuckled and glanced at me for a second before concentrating back on the road.

"It does sound clingy coming from your mouth, but it's good. You're an independent woman but it's not bad to lean on someone. If I was swinging for the other side, I would like to get clingy to Ryan too." He winked.

I slapped his head earning a glare from him.

"Hey!!! Don't get violent with the driver Babe." I chuckled and playfully hit him on the shoulder. Suddenly my phone started ringing and it was Evan. I smiled and answered.

"Evan? What is-"

"Lily I want you to come back right now. You're in danger. Get back to our house." His voice was frantic and a few words were incoherent but I got the message. I put the phone on speaker and let Alex hear it too.

"Turn the car Alex. Evan? Are you okay? What happened? Is Ryan okay? Tell-"

"Jim had a man undercover who was trying to find the mole. Liam helped him too. You have to come back right now. They found him-"

"Evan who is he?" Alex asked.

But before he could tell, I heard the car getting surrounded by a few men and suddenly bullets started hitting our car.

"THE FUCK!!!" Alex cursed and accelerated the car, crushing a few who got in the way.

"Lily!!! What happened?" It was Ryan's voice. He sounded worried as hell. I could hear Jim and Liam at the back and they were cursing when they heard another round of bullets hitting the back of our car.

"We're under attack. Shit!!! Ryan we're trying to steer clear of them. I'm coming back to-ALEX WATCH OUT!!!" My scream was cut when a truck hit the side of our car, toppling us due to the speed and crushing us into one of the trees on the side road. My phone flew out of my hand as the car hit the tree hard. When the ringing in my ears stopped, I tried to look around me.

Alex was stuck in his seat just like me and groaned. His eyes fluttered in my direction and got as bigger as they could. It was swelling and blood dripped down from somewhere on his head. My hair were sticking at the back of my temple while other flowed from in front of my face. I felt warm liquid making it's way through the middle of my forehead and dripping down.

"Lily." Alex muttered before closing his eyes, his breathing getting uneven.

No no no no no no. He can't die on me. Not now, not ever. I tried to call out his name, but words didn't leave my mouth. My hands went to his seatbelt to free him. I was almost done when I heard footsteps heading in our direction.

My vision was getting blurry as the moments passed, but I was determined to help him. I freed him and started working on mine, but my hands fumbled and my coordination failed me. The footsteps stopped just outside our car and the doors got wretched open.

Hands caught hold of me and Alex as he was dragged out. I tried to scream, but only a groan escaped my lips. I felt tears coming due to the pain I felt in my head and right hand. Suddenly I felt a faint prick on the side of my neck. Black dots started covering my vision rapidly and the last I saw was Alex getting injected something on his neck before darkness consumed me.


Hello Lovelies!!!

My cell phone got destroyed because I accidentally threw it beside me, and had no idea that a pen was lying there too. The screen cracked from the inside and I couldn't use it anymore. I was a bit worried about it, but then my father got me another one. It's much better and the first thing I did was download Wattpad and set my account back in my new phone.

Okay...back to the story. How is it? Are you liking it? If yes, then click the star button down there👇. Share, comment, and add this book to your library for further updates. Last but not the least...

Treat People With Kindness❣️...&...

Loads Of Love



Protecting You ("The Shadows" Series: Book I)Where stories live. Discover now